Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger’s site

2009-04-12 Richard Moore There are two possibilities here. One, Goldman Sachs may actually be worried as hell about this fellow’s little blog. Two, this may be a precedent-setting move, seeking to establish some kind of pattern where anti-corporate websites could be shut down routinely. We should keep our eye on developments here. rkm ____ … Read more

The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 & shutting down the Internet

2009-04-12 Richard Moore Should Obama Control the Internet? By Steve Aquino | Thu April 2, 2009 12:33 PM PST Should President Obama have the power to shut down domestic Internet traffic during a state of emergency? Senators John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) think so. On Wednesday they introduced a bill to establish the … Read more

Mike Whitney: The Decade of Darkness

2009-04-12 Richard Moore “The obvious implication of the recent downturn in total reserve holdings — and the $180 billion fall in the fourth quarter of 2008 wasn’t driven by currency moves — is that the pace of growth in the world’s dollar reserves has slowed dramatically…The obvious implication: most of the 2009 US fiscal deficit will … Read more

Chris Floyd: Panetta to continue torture regime

2009-04-12 Richard Moore Once Panetta was confirmed in his figurehead director’s role, the Obama White House then confirmed its true intentions regarding the rogue agency. It has put the actual running of the CIA into the hands of one of the top figures involved in the Bush torture program.  There is no hope to be found in … Read more

Enver Masud: Somali Pirates and the New Scramble for Africa

2009-04-12 Richard Moore April 11, 2009 The Wisdom Fund Those Somali Pirates and the New Scramble for Africa by Enver Masud Those Somali pirates, the crisis in Darfur, the war crimes charges against Sudan’s president Omar al-Bashir, and the bases in Africa sought by AFRICOM are best understood in the context of the New Great Game … Read more

James A. Marusek: Beware solar cycles

2009-04-12 Richard Moore There are two paths ahead; each marked with a “Danger” signpost  James A. Marusek  2 April 2009  The sun has gone very quiet as it transitions to Solar Cycle 24.  The Ap index is a proxy measurement for the intensity of solar magnetic activity as it alters the geomagnetic field on … Read more

Michael Hirsh: Wall Street refuses to reform

2009-04-12 Richard Moore Not long ago, a group of skeptical Democratic senators met at the White House with President Obama, his chief economic adviser, Larry Summers, and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. The six senators—most of them centrists, joined by one left-leaning independent, Vermont’s Bernie Sanders—said that while they supported Obama, they were worried. At issue … Read more

Japan economy hit hard

2009-04-11 Richard Moore Massive Stimulus Packages Add to Japan’s Pile of Debt Spending Plans Balloon to $270 Billion, Mostly Borrowed By Blaine Harden Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, April 11, 2009; A09  TOKYO, April 10 — Japan, which soothed the pain of its ruptured bubble economy in the 1990s with massive government borrowing, is … Read more

William Rivers Pitt on right-wing violence

2009-04-11 Richard Moore Appomattox Again Friday 10 April 2009 by: William Rivers Pitt, t r u t h o u t | Columnist “Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.” – Timothy McVeigh quoting from “Invictus” … Read more

Israeli army ordered to devise Iran war

2009-04-11 Richard Moore Israeli army ordered to devise Iran war Global Research, March 18, 2009 Press TV – 2009-03-17 As Israeli talks of war on Iran gain momentum, Israel’s military Chief of Staff says the army must prepare for a military aggression.  In a meeting with top US diplomats on Monday, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi … Read more

Kosovo: Evidence of KLA torture and murders

2009-04-11 Richard Moore Kosovo: Evidence of KLA torture and murders revealed by BBC By Paul Mitchell  11 April 2009 Fresh revelations have emerged about torture and murders carried out by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999 and the occupation that followed. Allegations that the KLA … Read more

Eric Boehlert: patching over leaks in the Obama illusion

2009-04-10 Richard Moore I’ve run across a few articles by Boehlert, and they fall into an interesting pattern. He keeps on the lookout for legitimate critiques of the Obama regime, critiques that could be threatening to the illusion if they were more widely understood, and then he finds some glib way to dismiss them. He’s … Read more

Why the surge on Wall Street?

2009-04-10 Richard Moore … Geithner made it clear that the government would provide unlimited funds to purchase the toxic assets of the banks at inflated prices, using taxpayer money. Even better, from the perspective of the finance industry, the plan was structured so as to guarantee big profits for hedge funds and other investment firms … Read more

* Maha Zimmo : The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act *

2009-04-10 Richard Moore primary concern must be given to the following catch-all phrase: that the purpose of these military-based emergency centres may “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.” 21st Century Internment Camps: Disaster relief or civil rights disaster? The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act By Maha Zimmo Global … Read more

State secrets and domestic spying, no change here

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Obama DOJ Invokes State-Secrets Privilege and Patriot Act To Justify Continued Bush Warrantless Wiretaps Submitted by christine on Thu, 04/09/2009 – 12:57pm. Analysis A BUZZFLASH NEWS ANALYSIS by Christine Bowman Illegal wiretapping cases could spell trouble for President Obama. What can the Obama Administration be thinking? At the Obama presidential campaign website, … Read more

Electronic medical records: what’s it really about?

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Obama has stressed the use of electronic medical records and e-prescribing — which lets doctors send prescriptions directly to pharmacists via computer — as part of his plan to transform the U.S. healthcare system and cut costs. … The economic stimulus bill signed by Obama in February includes $19 billion for healthcare information … Read more

Kauai residents don’t wait for state to repair road

2009-04-10 Richard Moore     Island DIY: Kauai residents don’t wait for state to repair road Story Highlights Some business owners will be in trouble if park doesn’t reopen Park closed after floods destroyed access road, facilities State didn’t have money to make repairs, so residents did it themselves Business owner: “Something that … Read more

Obama to pull out troops – not

2009-04-10 Richard Moore   Obama to seek $83.4bn for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan The US president’s request would push the costs of the two wars to almost $1tn Associated Press, Thursday 9 April 2009 22.46 BST  larger | smaller US president Barack Obama is seeking $83.4bn (£56.8bn) for US military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, pressing … Read more

Antarctic Sea Ice Up Over 43% Since 1980

2009-04-10 Richard Moore If you have doubts about the increase in ice you can run the numbers yourself at the National Snow and Ice Data Center’s website (part of the University of Colorado and funded by the National Science Foundation). News Item: : Antarctic Sea Ice Up Over 43% Since 1980, Where Is The Media?  (Category: … Read more

Pakistan…Faking Iraq-like Sectarian Tension

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Pakistan…Faking Iraq-like Sectarian Tension By  Aamir Latif, IOL Correspondent ISLAMABAD — Already reeling under suicide bombing, Pakistan is seeing a surge in attacks targeting mosques and religious congregations, in what analysts describe as part of a scheme to trigger Shiite-Sunni clashes and distract growing public anger over US drone attacks … Read more

Australian government prepares deep budget cuts

2009-04-10 Richard Moore The more than $70 billion allocated to various “economic security” packages has failed to halt this downward spiral. Most of the funds have been poured into the coffers of the banks, car companies, construction firms and retail chains. That is not counting the almost $1 trillion at stake in the government’s guarantees … Read more

Gates reveals biggest military budget in world history

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Pentagon budget envisions a series of Iraq-style wars By Patrick Martin  9 April 2009 At a formal press announcement Monday and in media appearances over the next day, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates unveiled the biggest military budget in world history, in anticipation of an endless series of Iraq and … Read more

Afghan heroin output sets new records

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Britain is protecting the biggest heroin crop of all time By CRAIG MURRAY Last updated at 20:45 21 July 2007 This week the 64th British soldier to die in Afghanistan, Corporal Mike Gilyeat, was buried. All the right things were said about this brave soldier, just as, on current trends, they … Read more

German exports in free fall

2009-04-10 Richard Moore Economic decline deepens in Europe, with German exports in free fall By Stefan Steinberg  10 April 2009 The latest figures from Eurostat, the statistical arm of the European Commission, reveal the extent of the decline of the European economy following the eruption of the international economic and finance crisis. According to … Read more

Barry Grey: The looting of America

2009-04-10 Richard Moore What is the significance of this astonishing reasoning? Simply this: The Obama administration, in order to protect the wealth and power of the financial elite, is facilitating and directly perpetrating on a colossal scale the same type of accounting fraud and reckless leveraging that led to the economic catastrophe in the first … Read more

Eric Boehlert vs. Fox News: psy-op subtlety

2009-04-08 Richard Moore We learned that Poplawski hosted his own (failed) Internet radio show and that he visited the website of 9-11 conspiracy backer Alex Jones, who has been hyping the threat of a totalitarian world government for years. More recently, Jones has been warning listeners like Poplawski about The Obama Deception (that’s the name of Jones’ new documentary … Read more

SDRs sneaking in as new global currency

2009-04-08 Richard Moore On top of the pledge to increase the IMF’s resources by the Group of 20 leading and emerging nations, the creation of SDRs – the first such decision since 1981 – might be regarded by some as a further shift towards global economic management of liquidity and the financial system. Which it … Read more

Financial Stability Board: beginning of global governance

2009-04-07 Richard Moore Financial Stability Forum is renamed the Financial Stability Board (FSB), given wider mandate to promote financial stability, set financial guidelines and monitor colleges of supervisors for big cross-border institutions.  … All systemically important financial institutions, markets and instruments should be subject to an appropriate degree of regulation and oversight. … G20 endorsed principles drawn up … Read more

Insane health-care reform

2009-04-07 Richard Moore Though only some of the players will say so now, the plan will ultimately include a mandate requiring everyone to have insurance, quelling opposition from the insurance companies. They hope that having a bigger market will compensate them for whatever they might lose from regulatory changes. If everyone is forced to pay, why … Read more

The real story of AIG

2009-04-07 Richard Moore The real story of AIG VINCENT G. GIOIA AIG has been in the news a lot these days. At the beginning of the AIG saga the Fed said it was too big to allow it to fail and so billions were given to “save” the company. Of course this failed and … Read more

Organizing for America: keeping the minions engaged

2009-04-07 Richard Moore Obama’s Machine Sputters in Effort to Push Budget Grass-Roots Campaign Has Little Effect By Dan Eggen Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, April 6, 2009; A03  When his post-campaign organization was unveiled in January, Barack Obama vowed that the 13 million-strong grass-roots network built during his presidential campaign would play a “crucial … Read more

Telegraph UK: a step closer to global currency, central bank

2009-04-07 Richard Moore The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central bank, running monetary policy for all humanity. By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Last Updated: 2:06PM BST 03 Apr 2009 Comments 23 | Comment on this article A single … Read more

Chris Hedges: Resist or Become Serfs

2009-04-07 Richard Moore The Obama administration, rather than chart a new course, is intent on re-inflating the bubble. The trillions of dollars of government funds being spent to sustain these corrupt corporations could have renovated our economy. We could have saved tens of millions of Americans from poverty. The government could have, as consumer activist … Read more

Doug Page: Obama even more Dangerous than Bush?

2009-04-07 Richard Moore Instead of bailing out wrongdoing banks with Trillions of dollars of our money, President Obama is required by federal law to appoint a receiver for the bank within 90 days after it becomes critically undercapitalized. He must prosecute those bankers who were paid salaries or bonuses while their banks were undercapitalized. … Read more

Obama Broke the Law By Not Closing Insolvent Banks

2009-04-07 Richard Moore Bush and Obama Administrations Broke the Law By Refusing to Close Insolvent Banks By Washington’s Blog Global Research, April 5, 2009 Washington’s Blog Geithner’s statements that he didn’t have the power to close down the big banks is false. Moreover, Geithner and Paulson actually broke the law which requires the government to close … Read more

Ralph Nader: We should have known

2009-04-06 Richard Moore Published on Saturday, April 4, 2009 by The Ones Who Got It Right by Ralph Nader Why is it that well regarded people working the fields of corporate power and performance who repeatedly predicted the Wall Street bubble and its bursting receive so little media and attention? Instead, the public is … Read more

Obama ignores Congress to enrich his cronies

2009-04-06 Richard Moore In one program, designed to restart small-business lending, President Obama’s officials are planning to set up a middleman called a special-purpose vehicle — a term made notorious during the Enron scandal — or another type of entity to evade the congressional mandates, sources familiar with the matter said. Administration Seeks an … Read more

Obama & auto workers: total betrayal

2009-04-06 Richard Moore The double standard between the administration’s treatment of Wall Street and the auto industry is blatant. It was already prefigured in the personnel appointed by Obama to his Auto Task Force. The group is headed by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who was the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank prior … Read more

Uri Avnery re/Israel: It’s A Lieberman Government

2009-04-06 Richard Moore It’s A Lieberman Government By Uri Avnery 05 April, On the first day of the new Israeli government, the fog cleared: it’s a Lieberman government. The day started with a celebration at the President’s office. All the members of this bloated government – 30 ministers and 8 deputy ministers – … Read more