Canada: Impending Mandatory Vaccinations


Richard Moore

Impending Mandatory Vaccinations Will Affect The Health, Jobs of Canadians

After recent reports that Canada’s public health officials are engaged in cover-up operations to conceal flu origin, there is now evidence and growing concerns and that all the warnings, dire predictions and preparations for the H1N1 swine flu are leading to mandatory vaccinations under the guise of “voluntary cooperation” initiatives from Canadian health agencies.

The Canadian pandemic plan calls for the vaccination of the entire population over a period of two months. Vaccination campaigns are targeting the workplace, schools, recreational centres and even bars and nightclubs. Community mass vaccination clinics are scheduled to inoculate millions of people in every province in Canada.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) state on their own website that International Health Regulations provide a legal framework under the World Health Organization (WHO) to protect against and control the international spread of disease such as a flu pandemic. They also state that they will establish a process that is to be followed by the WHO for determining and responding to a public health emergency of international concern. 

Under the WHO charter determined in 2005, it has the authority to dissolve Canada’s government policies on emergency planning, mandatory vaccinations and to take control should there be a “pandemic”. This applies to any country signed onto the WHO. 

From the WHO 2005 declaration: (excerpted) “ Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world…, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America.”

When it comes to the legal framework under the WHO, PHAC has absolutely no details or restrictions in terms of who will administer the inoculations and how. This means that once WHO pandemic policies are enacted, it could allow non-healthcare personnel, such as police and military to vaccinate people against their will to enforce mandatory vaccinations. These are obviously worse case scenarios, but the laws regarding pandemic preparedness and procedures are clear and these policies are not debatable once the government declares a nationwide emergency.

Many countries are in the process of acquiring from Baxter, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and other pharmaceutical companies enough doses of vaccine to vaccinate their entire population twice. Many countries are remaining quiet about mandatory vaccination, simply saying they will make vaccination ‘available’ to all on a priority basis. But Greece and Switzerland have already announced that their programs will be mandatory and enforced by the military. There are unconfirmed reports that Norway and Israel have done the same. 

Confirmed reports of regional H1N1 pandemic planning documents from the UK indicate that local authorities intend to set up mass vaccination sites to be overseen by crowd control police. The United States is preparing for military ‘assisted’ mandatory vaccination but has not explicitly declared its intentions to the public. 

Individual Canadian provinces are supposedly given the authority to decide how to achieve the highest level of vaccination. The Canadian government claims this does not mean they will make it mandatory or use physical force. However, there are tactics in place, including heavy doses of propaganda, along with various forms of social and economic coercion which suggest otherwise. Just how it will all play out depends very much on the individual province, but reports from the public suggest that the current theme of intimidation is requiring many Canadian workers to demonstrate that they have received the flu vaccination to remain employed. 

“Canada is deceiving the public and promoting a whole new dimension of voluntary cooperation for vaccines,” said Margaret Sauvé, a nurse and medical administrator from Montreal, Quebec. “If this is their idea of voluntary cooperation, I would really hate to see what a mandatory policy would look like, because we have no choice if we want to keep our jobs” she added.

The Association of Local Public Health Agencies in Ontario is already on record supporting mandatory seasonal flu shots for health workers. The group says that applies to H1N1 too. 

“Our position is it should be mandatory irrespective of the pandemic; our position is on seasonal flu, which this could turn out to be,” said Gordon Fleming, manager of public health issues. “The flu is the flu is the flu.”

Seven years ago, facing vigorous protest, Ontario withdrew a law making it mandatory for paramedics to get flu shots. This law would be null and void under the powers of the WHO pandemic charter which would trump provincially mandated laws regarding vaccination policy.

Health workers “do have a responsibility to stay healthy and protect their patients and co-workers by getting a flu shot,” said Andrew Morrison of the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. 

The percentage of Canadian health care workers in long-term care facilities who get an annual flu shot is 50-70%. The evidence currently suggests that as a priority group targeted for vaccines, healthcare workers will not only be given priority, but will also not have any freedom of choice to refuse the vaccination. “Healthcare workers who are in non-compliance for their inoculation of flu vaccines will likely be suspended pending an investigation, or terminated,” stated a medical officer from a Toronto-based healthcare organization.

A report from PHAC’s website on August 6, 2009, stated that just over 50 million doses of H1N1 vaccine were ordered fromGlaxoSmithKline (GSK) under Canada’s ten-year sole-supplier contract with them. 

GlaxoSmithKline was criticized by health experts last year forcontinuing vaccine trials in Argentina which killed more than a dozen babies. GSK has routinely conducted trials in Third World countries on poor people who often feel trapped into participating in human health experiments in order to receive medical care or other necessities.

Canada’s yearly flu vaccine developed by GSK, contains (as noted onBiotechnology Information Institute website) a number of toxins including formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate, thimerosal (a dangerous mercury derivative) and chicken embryo (egg) culture which has been linked to a vast number of allergic responses. 

In addition to the above toxins, the H1N1 vaccine scheduled for deployment in Canada will have the squalene adjuvant AS03, polysorbate 80, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and aluminum adjuvant among others. 

Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proven to trigger chronic, auto-immune diseases, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation and catastrophic injury to the nervous system causing diseases such as rheumatoid arthritismultiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The use of the adjuvants in flu vaccines is not licensed or approved in the U.S. or Canada. Public health advocates are crying fowl and stating that it clearly demonstrates the irresponsible nature of American and Canadian health officials. They have willingly endangered the lives of their citizens, by-passing regulatory procedures for vaccine safety and efficacy in exchange for the “emergency use” practices declared by International Health Regulations.

Anti-vaccine advocates, drug investigators and health experts are warning Canadians at unprecedented rates, that not only are adjuvanted vaccines illegal for use in Canada, but it will be impossible for studies to conclusively determine their safety by the October-November timeline proposed for government vaccination campaigns. 

Some health experts question why Canada would order a small quantity of non-adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine (approx. 1.2 million doses) as part of its total order of just over 50 million doses. “This implies that health officials in Canada are well aware of the dangers associated with squalene,” stated Marco Antonescu, a Los Angeles based microbiologist and vaccine researcher. 

PHAC stated on their website that the purchase of a small quantity of non-adjuvanted vaccine is a precautionary measure for pregnant women as no clinical data of the safety of adjuvanted vaccine in this group is available. “That’s quite the overstatement,” says Antonescu. “There is no clinical data anywhere on the long-term safety of adjuvanted vaccines for any group.” 

The side effects and contraindications listed for all adjuvanted vaccine studies are all based on short-term assessment. “You cannot assess the safety of adjuvants without long-term subject studies, since this is when many of the problems arise, especially in the months and years that follow the vaccination,” he added. 

High rates of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurological disorder that can cause paralysis was a result of adjuvanted vaccines used in the 1976 swine flu scare.

“Guillain-Barre syndrome is always a concern and Canada is obviously ready to pull the plug on these adjuvanted vaccines and make the switch to their non-adjuvanted stockpile should large numbers of people begin reacting, which is a likely scenario,” Antonescu concluded. 

Despite the dangers clearly associated with adjuvants, the WHO has maintained their position that there is no danger and insists that there are no special concerns about the safety of adjuvanted H1N1 vaccines.

GSK admits that they have not completed even one of more than 15 studies in over 9000 adults and children (including infants) across Europe, Canada and the US to evaluate the H1N1 adjuvanted vaccine. No data from this clinical development programme has been submitted to Canadian health regulators, despite plans to begin inoculations as early as October.

Yet, PHAC is stating that vaccine production remains on target. “We remain on target to have a safe and effective vaccine available in November 2009.”

With all of the careless and ill-considered decisions made by Canadian health officials, PHAC still has the audacity to insist that the government of Canada employs the most advanced science available to help ensure the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Morever, they suggest that their ludicrous timelines are largely consistent with pandemic vaccine development internationally.

Health epidemiologist, Michael Hager has worked with health agencies that deal directly with PHAC. He comments “most of the directors of the Public Health Agency of Canada are the most cretinous and malicious health officials that could ever run a national health agency. They have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they simply cannot be trusted to safeguard the health and wellness of Canadian citizens.”