Bcc: FYI
A very good film, including background material, such as the imprisonment of ethnic Japanese during WW II. Well-documented, with lots of solid interviews. The mechanisms in place re/ ‘Continuity of Government’ are something everyone needs to be aware of. The stated mission of all this is “Protecting the existing social and political order”, ie, protecting the power of existing elites.
Lots of footage of actual FEMA facilities, and facilities that could rapidly be made available to FEMA.
Any kind of movement that seeks social change, and if it begins to look ‘dangerous’ on elite radar, then that movement can be declared a ‘domestic terrorist threat’. The designation is arbitrary, no justification need be given by the Executive. If the goal is to protect the ‘existing social order’, then dissenters and reformers become in fact the enemy. Democracy itself becomes the enemy. That is clearly the logic behind the USA security state and the hype about ‘domestic terrorists’.
It is good that the film includes contributions from people of different camps. For example, both Alex Jones of Infowars and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! are featured. Toward the end, the emphasis shifts to a somewhat right-wing flavored message of Constitutionalism, States Rights, and efforts pursuing the limitation of Federal power. The film is explicitly calling into question the ‘existing political order’, as regards Federal power. Everyone featured in the film, and those who made and distribute the film, and all those who view the film on the Internet, could easily be designated as potential domestic terrorists.
The emphasis in the film is on the concept of suppression of dissent. There’s another aspect, involving the current ‘response protocol’ to disasters. That protocol was demonstrated in Haiti, and tested earlier in New Orleans. The protocol gives priority to ‘control of territory’ and ‘security of occupation force’, and treats the local population more as a potential threat than folks who need help and support.
Behind this is the ‘Shock Doctrine’. Every disaster is taken as an opportunity, when they can get by with things they couldn’t normally get by with. Like clearing out the natives from New Orleans to enable new development, or carrying out genocide against the Haitians. The poisoning of the Gulf with corexit gives us yet another example of this shock-doctrine response protocol.
In regard to the internment of ethnic Japanese, there’s an aspect that’s often overlooked, and not mentioned in the documentary. Explicit racism against ‘the Japs’ in WW II was a central part of the war propaganda program. They were portrayed as subhuman, in everything from children’s cartoons to news broadcasts to Hollywood movies. I even saw an old newsreel, praising the workers in the bomb-making factories, and which featured a catchy jingle, “Have you killed a Jap today?”
It wouldn’t do to have peaceful, loyal Japanese Americans walking around our towns and cities, working in factories and businesses, and counter-acting the propaganda. I think the internment was primarily in order to facilitate the propaganda scheme. And one of the things that would have happened, if we had the propaganda without the internments, is that there would have been shootings, arson attacks, etc. against Japanese communities, by angry white vigilantes.
Camp FEMA: American Lockdown
Recent legislation attempting to legitimize the use of internment camps to detain U.S. citizens in the event of an uprising or civil unrest has many people asking what nation they live in.
Who are the potential domestic terrorists that will end up in these camps?
Read the documentation for yourself and hear what our experts have to say.
States rights take a front row seat in this new political thriller that is guaranteed to send shivers up your spine.
Find out where the true power of the people rests in halting these treasonous activities NOW!
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