Bush seems bent on Iran attack


Richard Moore

Original source URL:

Chimes of Freedom
The Diary of a Western Dissident
TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2007
Bush sacks top generals in preparation for an Iran attack

Before the end of his rogue presidency, Bush seems determined to attack Iran.

The evidence for that becomes clearer every day. Not only is there an ongoing 
military build-up in the Gulf area but, more ominously, he has now sacked the 
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace, who is known not only
to oppose an attack on Iran but to be an opponent of the neocons' plan for a 
Long or Generational War.

If the Senate approves his nomination, Pace's replacement will be Chief of Naval
Operations Admiral Michael Mullen, who is much more in line with Bush and the 
PNAC neocons. At a recent address of US naval personnel in Pearl Harbour, Mullen
stated that "The enemy now is basically evil and fundamentally hates everything 
we are -- the democratic principles for which we stand ... This war is going to 
go on for a long time. It's a generational war."

This is undiluted neocon talk: paranoia about hidden enemies justifying an 
endless war of imperialism, including the use of first-strike 'tactical' nuclear
weapons, to subdue the rest of the world by military might and the doctrine of 
'compellence,' the very same doctrine which is now forcing Russia to respond 
with the threat of deploying new nuclear weapons in a strategy of asymmetric 

(Bush's Gift to the Military Industry: A New Cold War Arms Race with Russia)

By creating imaginary enemies, the will of the Military-Industrial Complex is 
served and a huge and increasing amount of US tax dollars channelled into the 
pockets of the arms producers.

When Pace goes, there may be a further shake-out of the Joint Chiefs to remove 
the other top brass who have reportedly opposed the Surge into Iran. I am afraid
that may leave it all in the laps of Congress.

Either the Senate Democrats get their act together, block this appointment, AND 
get on with the overdue job of Impeachment, or we should be ready to start 
losing more American cities.

Blocking Mullen and Impeaching Bush may be the most important things we ever do.

(OpEd News)

Meanwhile, in what appears to be part of an orchestrated neocon campaign to 
press for an attack on Iran, arch-zionist Senator Joe Lieberman is again 
rattling his sabre by saying Bush must consider a military strike against Iran 
"because of Tehran's alleged involvement with Iraqi insurgents."

Lieberman said much of the action could probably be done by air, although he 
would leave the strategy to the generals in charge.

(The Age.com)

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