Beware vaccines laced with live flu virus


Richard Moore

Intentional Contamination of Vaccine With Avian Flu Marks Start Of Massive Biological War & Genocide By NWO & Homeland Security

Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. who adheres to Bio Safety Level 3 (BSL3) standards in their laboratories has distributed Vaccine laced with deadly live Avian Flu Virus to 18 Nations.

In a possibly related matter, the President of Baxter’s vaccine division, Kim C. Bush, claimed that Indonesia’s refusal to provide bird-flu samples to the World Health Organization following Baxter’s agreement with Indonesian authorities, had noting to do with Baxter.  However, the latest crime committed by Baxter reaches the same level as the 9/11 attack, or worse.

Ferrets in a Czech Republic laboratory helped ferret out the crime when suspecting Czech officials tested the Baxter vaccine on the poor animals.  When the ferrets freaked out and died, the officials sent the vaccines to laboratories for testing.  The lab results proved the astonishing fact that Baxter had laced the vaccines with a deadly virus, a Biological Weapon of Mass Destruction.

When challenged, at first Baxter attempted to invoke trade secret laws (like the L-Bam Check Made Apple Moth Spray issue).  The facts were however irrefutable so Baxter changed their story and claimed to have distributed the Bio-WMD by ‘mistake’.

Under the BSL3 code of conduct adhered to by Baxter, it is impossible for live avian flu viruses to contaminate production vaccine materials that are shipped out to vendors around the world.  The Baxter International’s development and distribution of this Biological Weapon of Mass Destruction is intentional and clearly planned to coordinate with the massive Barium laced Chemtrailsthat are designed to lower people’s immune systems.

In the late 1900’s Baxter was also guilty of lacing blood given to hemophiliacs with AIDS.  In 2006 Bayer Corporation was also caught providing HIV contaminated medication to hemophiliacs.  Internal documents prove the company knew the medication was laced with HIV so they removed it from the US market and dumped the deadly dose on European, Asian and Latin America.  They knowingly distributed the deadly HIV concoction to thousands of individuals, mostly children.  France at least sent government officials to prison for allowing the drug to be distributed. Documents show that the FDA colluded with Bayer to cover-up the scandal and allowed the deadly drug to be distributed globally. No Bayer executives ever faced arrest or prosecution in the United States.

Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses creating an extraordinary deadly super-airborne biological weapon.  The mixing of viruses in laboratory terms is called ‘reassortment’.  Reassortment is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created, especially when an animal strain is mixed with a human strain.  The BWMD in the disguise of a regular Flu Vaccine was distributed to 18 Countries and is likely to have been distributed throughout the USA.

H5N1 has a 60% to 90% kill rate on humans. The deadly mix by Baxter makes H5N1 airborne.  Scientists developing and studying bio weapons are being murdered in the open.  These psychopathically genocidal murderers who funded the Nazi and the Communist Holocausts, the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, are likely to eliminate most of mankind, pursuant to their goals expressed on the GEORGIA GUIDE STONES.  The NWO and our leaders intend to murder around 6 billion people, that’s why they have been so brazen in their fleecing and criminal acts on Wall Street.

Prior to appointment as Secretary of War in the Nazi-like invasion of Iraq, Donald H. Rumsfeld was Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences the manufacturer of Tamiflu the bird flu drug of choice.  Rumsfeld will profit extraordinarily from this next planned genocide.  Other ‘benficiaris of the BWMD are BIlderberg members like George Shultz and Lodewijk J.R. de Vink.  While testing their bird-flu biological weapon, for the first time in history, a virus spread not from west to east, but from east to west.

Alex Jones considers this the most important story he has reported on in his entire career:

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor, summed up the situation: “Baxter is acting a whole lot like a biological terrorism organization these days, sending deadly viral samples around the world. If you mail an envelope full of anthrax to your Senator, you get arrested as a terrorist. So why is Baxter — which mailed samples of a far more deadly viral strain to labs around the world — getting away with saying, essentially, “Oops?”But there’s a bigger question in all this: How could this company have accidentally mixed LIVE avian flu viruses (both H5N1 and H3N2, the human form) in this vaccine material?”


Truckers working for Homeland Security are paid $5,000 per load to transport the bio weapons and assured that they and their families will be allowed to move to military bases while the genocide takes place:  Ironically, people working for the NWO dimwits fail to observe that those on the inside, like the police men and fire fighters on 9/11, and the soldiers in Iraq, are the first get contaminated and the first to die.  The goal is to wipe out 6 billion people, anyone who thinks they and their family will be spared is not just naive, they are morons who bring disaster on their neighbors, family and self.

Unlike normal seasonal influenza, where infection causes only mild respiratory symptoms in most healthy people, the disease caused by avian H5N1 follows an unusually aggressive clinical course, with rapid deterioration and high fatality. Primary viral pneumonia and multi-organ failure are common. It is significant that most cases have occurred in previously healthy children and young adults. H5N1 incubates longer than current human influenza viruses before causing symptoms, up to eight days in some cases. In household clusters of cases, the time between cases has generally ranged from two to five days but has been reported to take as long as 17 days.

Initial symptoms of H5N1 infection are more likely to include diarrhea, which can appear up to a week before any respiratory symptoms. That feature, combined with the detection of viral RNA in stool samples, suggests that the virus grows in the gastrointestinal tract. Lower respiratory tract symptoms such as shortness of breath appear early in the course of the illness, whereas upper respiratory symptoms such as rhinorrhea are less common.

According to experts, it is virtually impossible to make a ‘mistake’ and accidentally lace vaccinations with live Avian Bird Flu!  Naturally, ‘authorities’ will overlook this astonishing terrorist act the same way they overlooked the US invasion of Iraq; the government blowing up the World Trade Center and the handing out trillions of dollars to banksters who caused the depression and the World Wars.

Evidence now shows that 1918 influenza pandemic, which killed up to 50 million people worldwide (more than those killed by the Black Death and all those killed in the war) following World War One, was intentionally started by injecting servicemen with “experimental” flu vaccines that actually contained live, “weaponized” flu material just like the material being distributed by Baxter today. The 1918 bio weapon consisted of an unusually severe and deadly Influenza A virus strain of subtype H1N1. 

The 1918 flu originated with servicemen and began simultaneously in multiple cities, ‘spontaneously’ infected multiple cities all at once, including a military base in Kansas.  The disease was first discovered at Fort Riley, Kansas and Queens, New York, in 1918. In August 1918, a more virulent strain appeared simultaneously in Brest, France, in West Africa at Freetown, Sierra Leone, and in the U.S. at Boston, Massachusetts. The virus then spread to nearly every part of the globe in three waves lasting from March 1918 to June 1920.

By now, anyone listening to mainstream media knows you have to be a moron to believe anything the big five media companies or the government says.  They are now attempting to claim that the Chemtrails they have secretly been gassing us with to lower our immunity with Barium in preparation for the Bird Flu Bio Weapons, are here to help offset flooding from global warming. When the ice melts in your cup, does your cup overflow?  The vast volume of the Polar ice caps are floating, just like the ice in your cup.  Global Warming is a hoax.

The problem is that we have a group of severely insane leaders who have absolutely no clue as to what they are doing in their mad rush to secure their Old World Order disguised as a New World Order.  The NWO intends to exterminate the New Order of the Ages (NOA) embodied in the United States of America which was born out of the Renaissance and Reformation.  NOA took power and sovereignty from the government, kings, queens and the Pope and handed sovereignty to the people.  The question is whether NOA will survive this next flood.

The Pope, kings, queens and oligarchs have always wanted to destroy the USA.  It looks like the dreams of the same people who gave us the holocausts in Germany, Russia, Cambodia, China, Africa and who gave us the World Wars, are about to come true.

By C.

See Fighting Flu
