Friends, I've included below some excerpts from this Army Regulation, along with the URL to the full, official PDF version. I've gotten lots of reports from right-wing sources about detention centers being set up on remote military bases. I can never tell what to believe and what not to believe from such sources, so I don't post much of it. Here we have an official document, from an Army website, describing the establishment and management of such centers, apparently on a wide-scale basis. What is being described here, quite explicitly, are slave labor camps, to be set up on military bases, providing free labor to accomplish unspecified "tasks". When we take into account Abu Ghraib and top-level approval of torture, we might ask what distinguishes these labor camps from concentration camps? We might note here that the Nazi concentration camps were primarily slave labor camps (See: "The Arms of Krupp: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Dynasty that Armed Germany at War", by William Manchester- American companies, including those controlled by Prescott Bush, used this slave labor. That's why we don't hear much about it in media accounts of the Holocaust. As I see it, these camps are the 'second punch' from the fist of fascism, the first punch being the Patriot Acts and the general suspension of the Constitution and the rule of law, both domestic and international. In a history of these times, written in a post-fascist era, if there is to be one, these steps toward fascism will be just as obvious as were the acts of the Nazis in the histories we read. Those steps weren't so obvious, however, to the Germans at the time, nor are they so obvious to many of us now. 911 will be remembered in our imagined history account for what it was: a replay of the Reichstag Fire. School children will be unable to understand how seemingly intelligent citizens could have been so credulous as to believe in the Bin Laden conspiracy theory, it being so obviously absurd. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Army Regulation 210-35 Civilian Inmate Labor Program Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC 14 January 2005 UNCLASSIFIED Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1. Purpose This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison camps on Army installations. Sources of civilian inmate labor are limited to on- and off-post Federal corrections facilities, State and/or local corrections facilities operating from on-post prison camps pursuant to leases under Section 2667, Title 10, United States Code (10 USC 2667), and off-post State corrections facilities participating in the demonstration project authorized under Section 1065, Public Law (PL) 103-337. Otherwise, State and/or local inmate labor from off-post corrections facilities is currently excluded from this program. 1-5. Civilian inmate labor programs a. Civilian inmate labor programs benefit both the Army and corrections systems by- (1) Providing a source of labor at no direct labor cost to Army installations to accomplish tasks that would not be possible otherwise due to the manning and funding constraints under which the Army operates. (2) Providing meaningful work for inmates and, in some cases, additional space to alleviate overcrowding in nearby corrections facilities. (3) Making cost-effective use of buildings and land not otherwise being used. b. Except for the 3 exceptions listed in paragraph 2-1d below, installation civilian inmate labor programs may use civilian inmate labor only from Federal corrections facilities located either off or on the installation. 2-1. Policy statement d. However, there are 3 exceptions to using State or local civilian inmate labor from off-post corrections facilities- (1) Section 1065, PL 103-337, allows the Army to conduct a demonstration project. This demonstration project tests the feasibility of providing prerelease employment training to nonviolent offenders in a State corrections facility. The demonstration project is limited to 3 Army installations. The 3 Army installations participating in the demonstration project may use inmates from an off-post State corrections facility. (2) Army National Guard units leasing facilities from the Army or occupying State-owned land or facilities may use inmates from an off-post State and/or local corrections facility. (3) The prohibition against use of State and/or local civilian inmate labor from off-post corrections facilities does not apply to Civil Works projects where the Army has statutory authority to accept voluntary contributions in the form of services from State or local governments. If contributed, inmate services are combined with materials or services paid for with Federally appropriated funds; the use of civilian inmate labor must also comply with the provisions of EO 11755. The use of civilian inmate labor under these exceptions must still comply with the requirements of this regulation. -- -------------------------------------------------------- Escaping the Matrix website cyberjournal website blog: cyberjournal forum blog: Achieving real democracy blog: for readers of ETM blog: Community Empowerment Blogger made easy subscribe cyberjournal list mailto:•••@••.••• Posting archives