Allen Roland: The Unified Field


Richard Moore

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“The basic underlying and uniting force of the universe is a psychic energy field of love and soul consciousness (the Unified Field) which lies not only beyond time and space but ALSO beneath our deepest fears.” – Allen L. Roland, Ph.D.

The Unified Field

Finding the Unified Field was an act of surrender. Owning and proving it has been an act of courage. Initially, it was surrendering to and embracing an alone little boy within me who always knew this truth. Then it was a slow process of finding the courage to stand alone, own my truth, and speak it, regardless of the risks.

Let me make this clear – every tenet of my Unified Field is based on my own personal experience and my experience with my clients. Which is why it took eight years for me to fully prove it and which is why I no longer call it a theory.

What follows are the three basic tenets of the Unified Field.

Tenet One

The basic underlying force of the universe is a psychic energy field of universal love, within which gravitational and electromagnetic fields, the strong and weak forces in the atom, and all other forces of nature, including time and space, are merely conditions of state. Within this psychic realm of love, paranormal events such as clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and near-death experiences are also conditions of state. The principal property of this field of love is its propensity to unite, complete and fulfill all living beings within a constantly evolving loving plan. This field of love is the absolute constant of the universe in that within it, time and space do not exist. Thus, we are instantly joined with the past, present and future of a universe which is in the process of uniting, completing and fulfilling itself.

Tenet Two

The consciousness of the observer is the determining factor in being able to perceive the Unified Field, and the depth of one’s sensory experience is what determines this consciousness. In that regard, our most profound sensory experience is the total surrender to what is deepest within ourselves, that is, the surrender to love and a joyful state of soul consciousness – which is the awareness of an evolving loving plan and the taking of responsibility for one’s function within that plan. The Unified Field is therefore a state of soul consciousness. That state which limits or denies our perception of the Unified Field is ego consciousness.

Tenet Three

It would appear that the pain of not feeling loved for oneself and being seemingly separated from our original state of soul consciousness and the Unified Field is of such deep psychic proportions that, early in childhood, processes are triggered in the hypothalamus which result in a left brain imbalance and dominance as well as the denial, mistrust and forgetting of our connection to the Unified Field and the love and joy and a state of soul consciousness deepest within us. It is from this dark tunnel of pain, aloneness, despair and apparent death that the ego and ego consciousness is born – for survival and protection purposes only. As such, death or the idea of death, is an illusion measured by the limits of our consciousness.

Think of the ego as a protective cocoon that is eventually meant to be shed. The Unified Field can be visualized as a grid of great luminosity joining all living beings within its energy field of love. The words of Longfellow would seem appropriate in describing this all-encompassing field or grid: “The thread of all sustaining beauty that runs through all and doth all unite.”

A Universe of Heartstrings

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