AIDS and SARS have a ‘man-manipulated’ common denominator


Richard Moore

From: "dnordin" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Fw: AIDS and SARS have a 'man-manipulated' common denominator - 
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 18:05:17 -0700

>From: Inge Hanle <•••@••.•••>
To: Recipient, Undisclosed <•••@••.•••>
Subject: AIDS and SARS have a 'man-manipulated' common denominator -
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2003 11:13 PM

by Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.    
Apr 17-03

It is official. The United States is compelled to
respond to the federal AIDS ORIGIN lawsuit of American
Boyd Graves by June 9, 2003. Thirty four years ago on
June 9, 1969, the world first heard the term "AIDS", as
the U.S. Pentagon's top biological scientist, Dr.
Donald MacArthur, sought Congressional funding to make
a "synthetic biological agent" that would "deplete the
immune system" so as to allow for the "onset of
infectious disease". We are certain Attorney General
Ashcroft and his fleet of U.S. Attorneys, will delay
their filing until the very last breathe of time. Now
that the people are completely aware and completely
convinced of the secret, federal virus development
program, it is incumbent for the United States to
continue to mass murder as many people as it can
between now and June 9th. According to the Center for
Diseases Control ("CDC"), the HIV/AIDS enzyme murders
some 200 people worldwide every hour. Yet we find
gripping utter silence from the U.S. media.

We don't seem to understand how the unabridged press of
the greatest democracy in the history of the world,
could or would allow the continuation of the greatest
medical fraud and façade since the propagation of snake
oil shannigans? How can major U.S. newspapers overlook
citations from the Proceedings of the United States of
America (PROC NAS VOL 83, pp. 4007 - 4011, June, 1986)?
How can the major media in the United States unconcern
itself with the conclusive science evidence of nazi
sheep visna as the causative agent of HIV/AIDS. How can
the major U. S. media set aside the extensively
detailed science (depicting the development of
HIV/AIDS) contained in the fifteen progress reports of
the secret, U.S. Special Virus program.

Specifically, the progress reports provide a narrative
description of the development of an "ESP-1 VIRUS". The
ESP-1 virus was developed by taking a virus particle
from a 5-year old Black baby boy with Burkitt's
Lymphoma. After concentration and purification at M.D.
Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX, the virus was shipped
to vaccine developer, Pfizer. Pursuant to a review of
the secret program's "research logic" flowchart, Phase
V of the secret program confirms the ESP-1 virus was
going to be placed into "clinical trials". The HIV/AIDS
pandemic is the direct result of the "vaccine
complement" component of the U.S. Special Virus program
(1948 - 1978).

As WORLD WAR II ended, WORLD WAR AIDS: The Third World
War began. IF this were not true, the United States
would readily provide the names (and name changes) of
the nazi German scientist it brought into the United
States under "PROJECT PAPERCLIP". Apparently it is only
odd to me, that we have never had any sort of
accountability for the importation and relocation of
any of the nazi and Japanese holocaust scientists. When
you look even deeper into this abyss called medicine
and this abyss called science, you find something very,
very shocking. According to pages 14 - 15 of progress
report #15 (1978), the 1910 Rous Sarcoma virus is the
product of recombinant genetics! SO as much as they
would have us believe that HIV/AIDS is related to
something they first tested in the 1930's on the sheep
in Iceland, the science evidence again says something
otherwise. According to the science evidence, HIV/AIDS
evolved from a 1902 horse virus (Equine Infectious
Anemia virus=="EIAV") and a 1904 goat virus (Caprine
Arthritic Encephalitis virus-"CAEV").

The United States' century long hunt for a contagious
cancer that selectively kills has spun a twin, the
"SARS" mycoplasma. You can rest assured the SARS virus
incapacitates the lungs of its hosts, by "budding" from
one cell to another. We know this because the science
says that mycoplasmas regulate the repeat sequences of
HIV/AIDS. We are certain they do for SARS as well. We
end up with AIDS and SARS both man made, not an
unabridged press to be found. I will come to Washington
next month for the 2003 Jonathan Mann International
AIDS Research award presentation. Shortly thereafter I
will await, as will the world, the 'answer' form the
U.S. Attorney General on June 9.

The science evidence will continue to re-educate the
world, and maybe, just maybe, eliminate HIV/AIDS and
provide a planet with one (or two) less synthetic
biological weapons of mass destruction, in the rubric
of man-made plagues.






    For the movement, the relevant question is not, "Can we
    work through the political system?", but rather, "Is
    the political system one of the things that needs to be
    fundamentally transformed?"

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