Africa genocide project proceeding on course


Richard Moore

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Southern Africa Is Running Out Of Food FAST
By Adriana Stuijt
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With the TB+Aids epidemics now killing one-quarter of the working-age black 
adults throughout the sub-continent, food production has dropped dramatically 
while the needy orphan population has soared.  Also, South Africa's few 
remaining commercial farmers no longer produce enough to feed the entire 
southern African region like they used to do, their unions warn...


The southern African kingdom of Lesotho has declared a state of emergency today 
-- appealing for international help to feed more than 400,000 desperately hungry
people. And in Zambia, more than 1.2-million people also need urgent food-aid, 
even though the country has more than 150,000 subsistence farmers and is lush 
and green from recent rainfall.

Moreover, 8,000 Zimbabweans a day are now fleeing from that country's man 
made-famine into neighbouring South Africa -- making huge inroads into South 
Africa's own dwindling food supplies, local farmers are warning.Maize production
has collapsed by more than 40% in Lesotho and Zambia this past season alone -- 
while in Zimbabwe, less than 10% of the normal annual grain crop was raised due 
to Mugabe's ethnic-cleansing campaign against his own people.

The World Food Programme warns that food-aid must be rushed urgently to all 
three countries. But why is all this happening so rapidly right now?

Killer TB+Aids: one-quarter of southern African population infected:

In all three countries - as indeed is happening throughout southern Africa -- 
more than one-quarter of the black working-age population is now infected with 
the combined deadly epidemics of Tuberculosis+Aids -- meaning that the number of
people able to tend to their small subsistence-fields dwindle fast as the 
food-producers are dying, while the number of orphans needing emergency food-aid
also rises dramatically.

The average life expectancy for black African adults throughout all the southern
African countries including in South Africa has now dropped to below 32 years. 
This means that these working-age adults drop out of the labour market as they 
fall chronically ill and die -- and this is dramatically affecting all 
food-production throughout the region.

For the past six months, subsistence-farm families throughout southern Africa 
have known that things were getting very bad, with many appeals flooding in for 
emergency help at local religious charities all over the sub-continent. These 
latest assessments by local and international institutions at the United 
Nations' World Food Programme have now confirmed their worst fears.

The WFP claims that the cereal harvests in Lesotho and Zambia now are less than 
a quarter of what these countries need to feed themselves. Lesotho's prime 
minister Pakalitha Mosisili has declared a state of emergency only today.

Meanwhile in Zimbabwe, where the prices of the few available foods in shops have
soared by more than 9,500% since January, the food-aid organisation CARE reports
on January 19 2007 that Mugabe's police looted all their foreign food-aid 
supplies which were awaiting distribution to starving villagers.

Yet USA president George Bush is still sending emergency food-aid directly to 
Zimbabwe... when he should be sending these supplies to the South African 
borders, where refugee camps should also be set up to feed all those starving 
Zimbabweans fleeing into SA right now. Thus far however, the Red Cross Society 
has failed to show up to help house and feed these refugees - thus adding to 
SA's soaring crime epidemic.

All these southern-African countries used to import excess-food produced by its 
neighbour South Africa -- now the only remaining excess-food producer in the 
entire region.

However, South Africa 's own food-prices are dwindling too: mainly due to the 
Mbeki-regime's own ongoing ethnic-cleansing campaign to decimate his 'white' 
(Afrikaner-) agricultural sector and replace them with hundreds of thousands of 
subsistence farmers (SA's black adult population shows the same high TB+Aids 
infection rates as the rest of the continent's)

South Africa 's dwindling number of professional farmers now produce less than 
50% of their annual production of ten years ago.

Indeed its few remaining professional farmers now are no longer able to produce 
enough food to feed the country's own 47-million-strong population and the 
farmers' unions have been issuing warnings to this effect for the past two 


Transvaal Agricultural Union warns of food shortages in SA:

The Great South African Land Scandal:

SA going the Zim-way - Agri-SA warns:,,2-7-1442_1395059,00.html

400,000 Lesotho residents need urgent food aid, July 20 2007:

1,2-m Zambians need food-aid, July 20 2007:

US sends 47,400 tons of food-aid to Zimbabwe, July 18 2007

Zimbabwe, a country in dispair:

southern Africa 1989-1991 - statistics:

Cattle-density in southern Africa year 2000: map:


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