Obama’s use of hidden hypnosis techniques


Richard Moore

Bcc: contributors

THE EVIDENCE IS HERE: This document contains over 60 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of “hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans,  and reveals what only a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know. 
Barack Obama’s speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes. Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:
– Trance Inductions 
– Hypnotic Anchoring 
– Pacing and Leading 
– Pacing, Distraction and Utilization 
– Critical Factor Bypass 
– Stacking Language Patterns 
– Preprogrammed Response Adaptation 
– Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges 
– Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded Suggestions 
– Emotion Transfer 
– Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming
Obama’s techniques are the height of deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because  one must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to spot them. This document  examines Obama’s speeches word by word, hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and  proves his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on consenting patients. Obama’s  mesmerized, cult-like, grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because “Obama is the greatest  leader of a generation” who simply hasn’t accomplished anything, who magically “inspires” by giving  speeches. Obama is committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history. 
Obama is not just using subliminal messages, but textbook covert hypnosis and neuro-linguistic  programming techniques on audiences that are intentionally designed to sideline rational judgment and  implant subconscious commands to think he is wonderful and elect him President. Obama is eloquent. 
However, Obama’s subconscious techniques are shown to elicit powerful emotion from his audience and  then transfer those emotions onto him, to sideline rational judgment, and implant hypnotic commands that  we are unaware of and can’t even consciously question. The polls are misleading because some of Obama’s  commands are designed to be triggered only in the voting booth on November 4th.
Obama is immune to  logical arguments like Wright, Ayers, shifting every position, character, and inexperience, because hypnosis  affects us on an unconscious and emotional level. To many people who see this unaccomplished man’s  unnatural and irrational rise to the highest office in the world as suspicious and frightening and to those who  welcome it, this document uncovers, explains, and proves the deceptive tactics behind true “Obama  Phenomenon” including why younger people are more easily affected. 

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