The Demonic Cabal


Richard Moore

This article has lots of images, so I’m not posting it all here. I’ve quoted some of the opening material below. It’s a good article, with a map of elite organizations, lots of good quotes and images, etc.
The Demonic Cabal
From all available evidence * it’s clear that the most compelling hypothesis explaining the interconnected crimes, lies, and human slaughter occurring in our modern world is that an international cabal took control of the United States in the early part of the twentieth century and is now methodically destroying American and world institutions and values. The main goal of the cabal has been to consolidate political, economic, and social power in its hands while obliterating the minds of the masses to establish a militaristic, imperialistic dictatorship.
     By designating this cabal as “demonic,” I do not imply that there is need for hatred, anxiety, or hopelessness. It is simply the situation that this cabal has seized control and we need to face it and get on with the business of overcoming this global cartel and bringing about fundamental change in our society. We should not simply sit about idly theorizing or smiling at the devastation of human beings in our society and throughout the world. Something must be done!
     The purpose of this exposé of the cabal is to help American and world citizens see who is controlling events from behind the scenes, to assist in making clear just what kind of demonic forces are bringing about the destruction of American and world values and institutions. It’s clear that many people are so conditioned by the current reactionary brainwashing that they will be unable to consider any of these ideas. But some people throughout the world are waking up to what’s going on and they need to see behind the curtain to the real, criminal powers that manipulate human minds and

Not Just an Elite but a Cabal
     Though it is historically common for a small elite to lead any group, it is decidedly not “natural” or commendable for an elite to form into a cabal, “a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation in public affairs.” 2
      A cabal is a group of persons united in some close design, usually to promote their private views and interests in church or state by intrigue. Cabals are secret organizations composed of a few designing persons; a political cabal is often called a junta. The term can also be used to refer to the designs of such persons. The term also holds a general meaning of intrigue and conspiracy. Its usage carries strong connotations of shadowy corners and occult influence; a cabal is more evil and selective than, say, a faction, which is simply selfish.
      The term cabal derives from Kabbalah (which has numerous spelling variations), the mystical interpretation of the Hebrew scripture, and originally meant either an occult doctrine or a secret.
      The term took on its present insidious meaning from a group of ministers chosen in 1667 by King Charles II of England.
     A cabal, then, is any small criminal group who seizes illegitimate power to benefit its members only, manipulating and impoverishing all other people within the nation. The very foundation of the capitalist system is based on the ideology of the cabal.