Christopher Bollyn: 9-11 and Israel’s Use of Terrorism


Richard Moore



Chapter 2


9-11 and Israel's Use of Terrorism
to Coerce the West

By Christopher Bollyn

Why should they, the Americans, have trusted us?
We were a bunch of Russians; socialist Russians.
- Isser Harel, founder of Israeli intelligence,
on U.S. relations with Israel

The first chapter, "The Planes of 9-11," explains that the Israeli military has 
a history of owning and operating private aircraft leasing and maintenance 
companies in the United States.

These privately-held aviation companies, created by the Israeli military and 
linked to its state-owned aviation industry, clearly had the capability and 
advanced avionics required to convert Boeing aircraft into remote-controlled 
guided missiles like those that apparently struck the World Trade Center (WTC) 
on 9-11.

Because the Israeli military had the capability to carry out the attacks, the 
evidence of Israeli prior knowledge raises a fundamental question that must be 
asked:  Would the Israeli military conduct such an outrageous act of terror?

Millions of Americans have blindly accepted, without any proof, the government 
and controlled media's tale that 19 Arabs, who lacked basic piloting skills, 
were responsible for the coordinated precision aerial attacks and subsequent 
carnage and destruction of 9-11.

On the other hand, the same government and media have shown absolutely no 
interest in probing the evidence or looking into the many unanswered questions 
surrounding the attacks.

There can only be one logical explanation for the persistent avoidance of the 
evidence by the institutions that should be leading the investigation.  It is 
obviously because the evidence does not fit or contradicts the fictitious tale 
they have presented to the public.

The number of people who realize that the government and media have lied about 
9-11 is large and growing.  The pack of lies surrounding the attacks has been 
thoroughly exposed and can no longer be defended.

Unable to defend their fictional tale against the evidence presented by honest 
scientists and writers, the defenders of the lie use disinformation, defamation,
and slander to try and contain the truth from spreading like wildfire.


While the evidence is clearly indicative of Israeli prior knowledge, 
commonly-held misconceptions about Israel and ignorance of Zionism's brutal 
history of terrorism prevent most people from comprehending the Israeli 
connection with 9-11.  The ignorance of Zionist history, cultivated by the 
controlled media, prevents people from understanding the present reality.

In order to understand 9-11, it is essential to have a grasp of the history of 
previous Israeli attacks on the United States. This chapter examines a few 
little-known, but key events in the history of Israeli false-flag terror attacks
and the Zionist planners behind them.  The names and events discussed in this 
chapter are at the center of Zionist terrorism, false-flag and otherwise.

"False-flag" terrorism means an act of terror planned and perpetrated by one 
party for the purpose of having the blame assigned to its enemy for political or
strategic purposes.  9-11, like many other major terror attacks and those which 
have plagued occupied-Iraq for years, are textbook false-flag operations.  
False-flag attacks are designed to foment hostility or instigate war between 
groups or nations.

Only very rarely has the United States, oceans away from the conflicts of Europe
and Asia, actually been attacked by foreign militaries.  The British invasion 
during the War of 1812 and the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 are the 
only two foreign attacks, prior to 9-11, that come to mind.

Although 9-11 is disguised and interpreted by the government and media as an act
of Arab terrorism, the evidence indicates that it was a carefully planned 
false-flag attack carried out by the Israeli military after years of planning 
and preparation.


This is not a hypothesis that can be easily dismissed as based on mere 
speculation or prejudice.  There is solid evidence that Israeli intelligence 
agencies had prior knowledge of 9-11, which is indicative of involvement in the 

Public statements made by key terror suspects, the five jubilant "movers," for 
example, who were actually Israeli intelligence agents, indicate that they 
possessed prior knowledge of the attacks.

In November 2001, after being released from two months in U.S. custody, three of
the five agents appeared on Israeli television and admitted, in plain Hebrew, 
that their purpose had been to document the event.  The Israeli interviewer did 
not ask the men who had sent them, but it is quite clear they were working for 
an agency of the State of Israel.

The five fake movers from Urban Moving Systems of Weehawken, New Jersey, were 
actually operatives of the Israeli secret services.  The five Israeli agents, 
described in early news reports as "Middle Eastern," had been sought by the FBI 
and New Jersey authorities after they were observed celebrating and 
photographing the destruction of the World Trade Center.

The Israelis made a video of themselves with the burning towers behind them as 
they flicked their cigarette lighters, laughed, and celebrated as hundreds of 
innocent people were being roasted alive. Reportedly, they had worn Palestinian 
or Arab garb, which was later found in their van.

Two of the five Israelis, who were caught with multiple passports, box cutters, 
thousands of dollars stuffed into their socks, and driving a van that tested 
positive for explosives, were actually on a list of foreign agents known to U.S.
law enforcement authorities at the time.

ABC News did a follow up on the Israeli agents in June 2002:

The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about 
the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another 
was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But 
perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified 
themselves as Israeli citizens.

ŒWe Are Not Your Problem¹

According to the police report, one of the passengers told the officers they had
been on the West Side Highway in Manhattan "during the incident" ‹ referring to 
the World Trade Center attack. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the 
officers, "We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our 
problems. The Palestinians are the problem." The other passengers were his 
brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari.

The five "movers" were evidently part of a much larger Israeli terror operation 
in New York City.  The Urban Moving Systems company was later exposed as a 
Mossad "front" company, a fake agency set up to facilitate their terror 
operation. An American who worked with the company said he was shocked to see 
that the Israeli employees had openly rejoiced over the attacks.

In November 2001, the five Israeli agents and terror suspects were returned to 
Israel on "visa violations" although they had repeatedly refused to take, and 
then failed lie detector tests about their involvement in 9-11.

Instant messages warning of the attack at the WTC, precise to the minute, sent 
via the Mossad-owned Odigo messaging system hours before the first plane hit the
North Tower, are further evidence that members of Israeli intelligence agencies 
had very specific and accurate knowledge of the terror attacks ­ long before 
they occurred.

In a complex and elaborately planned crime of mass murder and terrorism like 
9-11, possession of specific prior knowledge like that held by the fake Israeli 
movers and the senders of the Odigo messages is clearly evidence of involvement 
in the crime.

Had the recipients of the Odigo warnings contacted the responsible authorities 
in New York, thousands of lives would have been saved. If these people were not 
complicit in the crime, why didn't they contact the authorities?

Taking the evidence of Israeli prior knowledge into consideration with the 
Israeli military's capability to launch such a sophisticated false-flag terror 
attack, the obvious question has to be asked:  Would Israeli military agencies 
commit such an atrocious act of terrorism in the United States in order to 
achieve a strategic goal?

The question whether Israeli strategic planners would conduct a false-flag 
terror attack against the United States, their most powerful ally, in order to 
fix the blame on the Arabs, their enemies, raises several specific questions:

1.  Has the Israeli military conducted false-flag terror attacks against the 
United States in the past?

2.  If so, are there links between the people or agencies involved in the 
previous terror attacks and 9-11?

3.  Is there a strategic goal for which Zionist planners would conduct such an 
extremely dangerous and sophisticated terrorist operation?

4.  If so, has that strategic goal been realized as a result of 9-11?

The answer to all four questions is yes.

The Israeli military has a documented history of conducting military and 
false-flag terror attacks against the United States. It also has a history of 
withholding information from the United States about threats it is aware of.

Specific Zionist extremists are, furthermore, the prime suspects with the 
strongest motive for having carried out 9-11. The Zionist motive was to 
kick-start their long-planned U.S.-led "War on Terror" with a spectacular terror
attack against the United States.

Like any other crime, solving 9-11 requires that we diligently investigate those
suspects with strong motives and prior histories of committing similar crimes. 
There are a number of senior Israeli suspects who fit this description.

On the other hand, there is no reasonable Arab motive to attack the World Trade 
Center or Pentagon.  Why would Arabs or Moslems commit such a counter-productive
act?  Why would any Arab organization commit a senseless crime knowing that it 
would invite a U.S. military invasion of their nation or another Islamic nation?
The Arab/Islamic terror scenario makes very little sense.


On the other hand, senior officials of the Israeli government, the Mossad, and 
Israeli military intelligence, an organization known as "Aman," have a long 
history of carrying out false-flag terror attacks against the United States and 
Britain, at least as far back as the bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel on 
July 22, 1946.

The bombing of the luxury hotel was ordered by Menachem Begin, the head of the 
Irgun, an active Zionist terrorist organization during the 1930s and 40s. Begin 
later became prime minister of Israel, a position he held during the 1982 
invasion of Lebanon, which was led by Ariel Sharon, then minister of defense.

Irgun and Haganah terrorists, disguised as Arabs, set off 7 large demolition 
bombs in the basement of the King David Hotel, which was the base for the 
British Secretariat and the military command in British-occupied Palestine. 91 
people were killed, most of them staff of the secretariat.

The attack on the hotel was the deadliest attack against the British in the 
history of the Mandate. To this day, the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel
is the terrorist act which has caused the greatest number of casualties in the 
history of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Zionist extremists, however, are proud of 
the terrorist bombing as one of their actions that compelled the British to give
up the Mandate over Palestine.

David Ben Gurion, the head of the Haganah militia, supported the bombing. 
Although the Haganah publicly condemned the bombing afterwards, many researchers
insist that the Haganah directly authorized the bombing.


"Everything was coordinated with the Haganah," former prime minister and Irgun 
leader Menachem Begin declared in a film clip from the Israel Broadcasting 
Authority's "Scroll of Fire" series.


Members of the Irgun, which carried out scores of terror bombings in the 1930s 
and 40s (and its political successors in the Likud party) hold the world view 
that "political violence and terrorism" are "legitimate tools in the Jewish 
national struggle for the Land of Israel," according to Arie Perliger and 
Leonard Weinberg, authors of "Jewish Self Defense and Terrorist Groups Prior to 
the Establishment of the State of Israel: Roots and Traditions."

In July 2006, the former prime minister and leader of the Likud, Benjamin 
Netanyahu, attended a two-day 60th anniversary celebration of the King David 
Hotel bombing with former terrorists of the Irgun and Haganah.  The event was 
organized by the Menachem Begin Heritage House, the University of Haifa, and the
Association of IZL [Irgun] Fighters.

The seminar was held "to mark the 60th anniversary of the bombing of the King 
David Hotel, Jerusalem, by members of the United Resistance Movement (Haganah 
and Irgun)," The Jerusalem Post noted in its pre-event notices. The newspaper 
specifically noted that members of the Haganah and Irgun had been involved in 
the terrorist bombing.

One of the terrorists even led a tour of the hotel he had bombed. The fact that 
the American-educated right-wing politician and terror specialist, "Bibi" 
Netanyahu, had participated in a two-day event celebrating the bombing of the 
King David Hotel was reported in the Jerusalem Post, and in leading newspapers 
in Britain, France, and India ­ but not a single word about the event was 
printed in the controlled press of the United States, the nation supposedly 
fighting a "War on Terror."

Netanyahu's conspicuous role as the main speaker at an event celebrating an act 
of terrorism was not reported in any U.S. newspaper until Patrick Buchanan 
mentioned it in his article entitled "Moral culpability for Qana," on August 2, 

Buchanan's comments, however, appeared only in independent regional newspapers 
in Pittsburgh, Wyoming, and Ohio:

Rubbing our noses in our own cravenness, "Bibi" Netanyahu took time out a week 
ago to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the terror attack on the King David 
Hotel by Menachem Begin's Irgun, an attack that killed 92 people, among them 
British nurses. This was not a terrorist act, Bibi explained, because Irgun 
telephoned a 15-minute warning to the hotel before the bombs went off.

Right. And those children in Qana should not have ignored Israeli leaflets 
warning them to clear out of southern Lebanon.

Our Israeli friends appear to be playing us for fools.


In 1946, The Times described the Irgun as "terrorists in disguise."

Sarah Agassi, 80, was one of the "terrorists in disguise" involved in the 
bombing of the King David Hotel.

She and a fellow agent had cased out the hotel. Her brother and other terrorists
had disguised themselves as Arabs delivering milk and brought seven milk cans, 
each containing 50 kg. (110 lbs.) of explosives, into the basement of the hotel.

There were important strategic reasons for the bombing, according to the 
Jerusalem Post of July 27, 2006:

The bombing was a direct response to the events of the British Operation Agatha 
and the Black Sabbath of June 29, 1946, during which 17,000 British soldiers 
confiscated weapons and intelligence documents and arrested thousands of leaders
of the Yishuv and Hagana activists.

The documents, brought to the King David headquarters, revealed most of the 
Yishuv's operational plans and incriminated the Jewish Agency in the leadership 
of the United Resistance, as well as the IZL and the Lehi, against the British.

The evidence would be used to try the Jewish activists and, quite possibly, to 
hang them.

Twenty-five fighters took part in the carefully-planned and precisely executed 
bombing. Six of them, dressed as Arab laborers, placed the seven milk cans 
filled with 350 kg. of explosives, fitted with timers set to go off in 40 
minutes, around the central support beam of the hotel's southern wing. Others 
spread explosives along the roads leading to the hotel to prevent reinforcements
and emergency medical crews from arriving at the scene.


Netanyahu is the son of Ben Zion Netanyahu (born Mileikowsky in Warsaw, Poland).
Ben Zion was the former senior aide of Vladimir "Ze'ev" Jabotinsky, the militant
extremist founder of Revisionist Zionism and the Irgun.

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is a leading advocate of the teachings of Jabotinsky.
On July 8, 2007, Netanyahu was the keynote speaker at an event at the Jabotinsky
Institute to mark the 67th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Irgun.

The Irgun was the "armed expression" of Revisionist Zionism, which was expressed
by Jabotinsky thusly, according to Howard M. Sachar, author of A History of 
Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time:

·         Every Jew has the right to enter Palestine;

·         Only active retaliation [i.e. terrorism] would deter the Arabs and the

·         Only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state.


Netanyahu is also a terrorism specialist who has made a career out of promoting 
the Zionist notion of a global "War on Terror" since the early 1980s.

On September 11, 2001, the New York Times asked Netanyahu what he thought of the

"It's very good," Netanyahu said, apparently unable to contain himself.

Who else, but a hardened terrorist involved in the crime, would use the word 
"good" to describe 9-11?

As James Bennet of The New York Times reported on September 12, 2001:

Asked tonight what the attack meant for relations between the United States and 
Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, the former prime minister, replied, "It's very 
good." Then he edited himself: "Well, not very good, but it will generate 
immediate sympathy."

In 2006, the Jerusalem Post and other newspapers reported on Netanyahu's 
outspoken support for the terrorists who had bombed the King David Hotel in 
1946.  The Irgun's chief of operations at the time of the bombing was Eitan 
Livni, the father of the current Israeli Foreign Minister "Tzipi" Livni.

The high-level political connections in Israel with the Irgun terrorists of the 
1940s are an indication of the degree of terrorist influence on the Israeli 
political establishment, The Hindu [India] wisely noted in an article entitled 
"Celebrating Terror, Israeli-style" on July 24, 2006.

"We do not think that it is right for an act of terrorism, which led to the loss
of many lives, to be commemorated," Britain's Ambassador to Israel, Simon 
McDonald, and its consul-general in Jerusalem, John Jenkins, protested weakly in
a letter to the local Israeli administration in Jerusalem.


Eight years after the bombing of the King David Hotel, the State of Israel 
carried out a series of false-flag terror bombings against U.S. and British 
libraries, theatres, and other government institutions in Egypt in a terror 
campaign designed to be blamed on Egyptian groups.

This Israeli terror campaign of July 1954 is often referred to as the "Lavon 
Affair" after Pinhas Lavon, the Israeli defense minister at the time.

In June 1967, thirteen years after the Lavon Affair, the Israeli air force and 
navy deliberately strafed, bombed, napalmed, and torpedoed an unarmed U.S. 
vessel, the USS Liberty, and tried to kill all of the nearly 300 crew members, 
simply to achieve a strategic war-time goal.

Recently released documents from the National Security Agency (NSA) confirm that
the United States government at the time had evidence that the Israelis had 
deliberately attacked the USS Liberty knowing it was a U.S. vessel.

Oliver Kirby, the NSA's deputy director for operations at the time of the 
Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, confirmed the existence of the transcripts to
John Crewdson of the Chicago Tribune, saying he had personally read them:

Asked whether he had personally read such transcripts, Kirby replied, "I sure 
did. I certainly did."

"They said, 'We've got him in the zero,'" Kirby recalled, "whatever that meant 
-- I guess the sights or something. And then one of them said, 'Can you see the 

They said 'Yes, it's U.S, it's U.S.' They said it several times, so there wasn't
any doubt in anybody's mind that they knew it."

Kirby, now 86 and retired in Texas, said the transcripts were "something that's 
bothered me all my life. I'm willing to swear on a stack of Bibles that we knew 
they knew."


The Israeli planes involved in the attack reported directly to the commander of 
the air force, Maj. Gen. Mordechai Hod.  Hod (a.k.a. Mordechai Fein or "Moti" 
Hod) was the Commander of the Israeli Air Force during the 1967 Six-Day War. Hod
was from Kibbutz Degania, like Moshe Dayan, the defense minister he served 

Hod left the military in 1975 and created CAL, an Israel air cargo company. 
Oddly, after only two years he left the company he started and became chief 
executive of El Al airlines from 1977 to 1979.  In 1985, he founded an un-named 
security company, according to his obituary in The Guardian (UK) from June 2003.
From 1987 until retirement in 1993, he was the chairman of Israel Aircraft 
Industries (IAI).

ICTS, the Israeli airport passenger screening and security firm, is a key 
defendant in the 9-11 litigation. The ICTS website says this about the company:
"ICTS International N.V. was founded in 1982 by a select group of security 
experts, former military commanding officers and veterans of government 
intelligence and security agencies."

An employee of ICTS told me in 2001 that Huntleigh USA, their wholly owned 
airport security subsidiary, had handled passenger screening at Boston and 
Newark airports on 9-11.  As a matter of fact, the Mossad-owned company probably
had people at every airport involved in any way on 9-11.

The ICTS company website says as much:  "In 1998, ICTS International N.V. made a
strategic decision to focus on the US market. The following year, it acquired 
Huntleigh USA Corp., which provides airline passenger screening services at 47 
US airports, including all the international aviation gateways in the USA."

The ICTS company developed out of El Al (the Israeli-state airlines) security.  
The Israeli airline security firm went through a number of name changes as it 
began providing "security" to European and American airports.  Mordechai Hod's 
relationship with the Mossad-run "security" company at the center of 9-11 will 
be examined in a chapter about ICTS and 9-11.

Moshe Dayan, defense minister during the Six-Day War, was a close associate and 
political ally of Shimon Peres. In 1965, former prime minister Ben Gurion and 
his closest followers, including Shimon Peres and Moshe Dayan, broke away from 
the ruling labor party, Mapai, and formed a separate minority faction, the Rafi 
or Workers' List.


The U.S. government, military, and media all went along with the cover-up of the
deliberate attack on the USS Liberty to avoid blaming Israel for the murder of 
34 American servicemen, 26 of whom died from the torpedo blast, and the wounding
of some 173 others. Shimon Peres, the Israeli president, certainly knows who 
made the decision to attack the U.S. vessel in 1967.

The Crewdson article reveals that the Israelis knew very well that the USS 
Liberty was an American vessel in international waters ­ before they fired the 
torpedo that killed 26 U.S. servicemen in one fell swoop:

Twenty minutes later, after the Liberty had been hit repeatedly by machine guns,
30 mm cannon and napalm from the Israelis' French-built Mirage and Mystere 
fighter-bombers, the controller directing the attack asked his chief in Tel Aviv
to which country the target vessel belonged.

"Apparently American," the chief controller replied.

Fourteen minutes later the Liberty was struck amidships by a torpedo from an 
Israeli boat, killing 26 of the 100 or so NSA technicians and specialists in 
Russian and Arabic who were working in restricted compartments below the ship's 


Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., an officer on the bridge of the USS Liberty, wrote his 
first-hand account of the Israeli attack in a 1979 book entitled Assault on the 
Liberty. Lieutenant Ennes' book is documentary evidence that the Israeli attack 
was deliberate and not an accident of war.

Ennes describes how Israeli torpedo boats repeatedly machine-gunned Liberty 
sailors fighting the napalm fires on deck and shot her life rafts in the water 
while an oversize U.S. flag flew from its mast.

The shooting of the life rafts indicates that the Israelis did not want anyone 
to survive the assault and intended sinking of the U.S. vessel.

Steve Forslund, an intelligence analyst for the 544th Air Reconnaissance 
Technical Wing in 1967, saw the transcripts from the Israeli pilots and their 
ground control as they came off the teletype machine at Offutt Air Force Base in

"The ground control station stated that the target was American and for the 
aircraft to confirm it," Forslund recalled. "The aircraft did confirm the 
identity of the target as American, by the American flag.

"The ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target 
and ensure they left no survivors."

Forslund said he clearly recalled "the obvious frustration of the controller 
over the inability of the pilots to sink the target quickly and completely."

"He kept insisting the mission had to sink the target, and was frustrated with 
the pilots' responses that it didn't sink."

Chief Petty Officer Stanley W. White, president of the Liberty Veterans 
Association, said, "The Israeli planes and gunboats spent more than one hour 
hitting us with rockets, napalm bombs, torpedoes, cannon and machine-gun fire. 
They machine-gunned our firefighters on deck and they shot our life rafts out of
the waterŠI don't know of a single member of our association who believes that 
attack was an accident."

There are three reasons that have been given as to why the Israelis wanted to 
sink the U.S. electronic reconnaissance vessel:

To prevent the U.S. from knowing that Israel was planning to seize the Golan 
Heights from Syria;

To prevent the U.S. from obtaining evidence that Israeli troops were 
slaughtering some 1,000 Egyptian prisoners of war near Gaza;

To destroy the U.S. vessel that was capable of discerning that Israel was 
sending false communications to Jordan and Egypt to keep them in the war until 
the Israeli military achieved its territorial goals on the ground.

"U.S. intelligence documents indicate the Israelis attacked the Liberty 
deliberately. They feared she would monitor their plans to attack the Golan 
Heights in Syria - a move the United States opposed for fear of provoking Soviet
military intervention," James Ennes said.

Wilber Crane Eveland, an author formerly with the CIA in the Middle East, wrote 
that the Liberty had intercepted messages that "made it clear that Israel had 
never intended to limit its attack to Egypt."


The Tribune article reported that the NSA's deputy director at the time, Louis 
Tordella, speculated in a recently declassified memo that the attack "might have
been ordered by some senior commander on the Sinai Peninsula who wrongly 
suspected that the Liberty was monitoring his activities."

The activities that needed to be hidden included the slaughter of some 1,000 
Egyptian POWs.

Aryeh Yitzhaki of Bar Ilan University, who had worked in the Israel Defense 
Forces (IDF) history department, said in an August 1995 interview with Israel 
Radio that a reconnaissance unit, known as Shaked (Almond), headed by Binyamin 
Ben-Eliezer, had killed hundreds of Egyptians who had abandoned their weapons 
and fled into the desert during the 1967 war.

Yitzhaki said he had investigated six or seven separate incidents, in which 
approximately 1,000 unarmed Egyptian prisoners of war had been killed by IDF 


Sixteen years later, 241 U.S. Marines died when a Mercedes truck packed with 
explosives demolished their barracks at Beirut International Airport on October 
23, 1983. A similar explosion occurred nearly simultaneously at the French 
military barracks a few kilometers away, killing 56 French troops.

In the wake of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, President Ronald Reagan 
sent 1,800 marines to Beirut to act as "peace keepers." Ariel Sharon and the 
Israeli leadership, however, resented the interference and used the U.S. 
presence to commit a false-flag operation that killed 241 marines, according to 
Victor Ostrovsky in his book on the Mossad, By Way of Deception.

Ostrovsky, a former Mossad officer, reported that Nahum Admoni, the Mossad 
director at the time, had very specific information about the truck being 
prepared for the attack on the U.S. Marines but had intentionally withheld this 
crucial information from the U.S. military.

"No, we're not there to protect Americans. They're a big country. Send only the 
regular information," Admoni reportedly said.

Admoni, the son of Polish immigrants, was director of the Mossad from 1982 to 
1989. In 1947-48, Admoni had served in the Shai, the Haganah intelligence branch
headed by Isser Harel, and later in the newly created IDF Intelligence, Aman. 
After the 1948 war, Admoni studied at the University of California, Berkeley, 
until 1954.

The purpose of the false flag terror bombings in Lebanon was to create U.S. 
animosity toward the Arab world and align the U.S. with Israel, according to 
Ostrovsky. There had been an earlier car bomb at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut on 
April 18, 1983, which had killed 17 Marines.  The bombing compelled the Marines 
to move offshore and President Reagan ordered them to be withdrawn from Lebanon 
on February 7, 1984.

The Beirut bombing was the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States
Marine Corps since the Battle of Iwo Jima.  Israeli intelligence is suspected of
having been involved in the bombings in Lebanon.


The ultimate goal of creating U.S. animosity toward the Arab world is the 
Zionist mega-fraud known as the "War on Terror." With its U.S.-led invasions and
occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the "War on Terror" is the realization of 
an important strategic goal for Israeli military planners.

To have the armies of the U.S. and European nations occupying Iraq, the most 
powerful and advanced Arab nation, has always been the dream of Zionist 
strategic planners. Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, has explicitly called for 
such a global "War on Terror" since the early 1980s.

Although it is never mentioned as such in the controlled press, it needs to be 
understood that the "War on Terror" with its pre-planned invasions of 
Afghanistan and Iraq, constitutes a war of aggression.

To prepare for and carry out a war of aggression is the most serious war crime, 
i.e. a Crime against Peace under the Nuremberg Principles of 1950.  The United 
States and its allies convicted and literally strangled to death dozens of 
senior Nazis at the Nuremberg trials for having committed such war crimes.

In the aftermath of 9-11, the U.S. government failed to prove that the terror 
attacks had been planned, sponsored, or executed by members of the ruling 
Taliban regime prior to invading Afghanistan.  Six years after invading that 
nation, the U.S. government has yet to prove that any link existed between the 
Taliban regime and 9-11.

Nor is there any evidence of involvement by any member of the regime of the 
former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.  Furthermore, the charges that the Iraqi 
regime had obtained weapons of mass destruction, trumpeted by senior officials 
of the Bush administration and Judith Miller of the New York Times, turned out 
to be nothing but lies crafted solely for the purpose of deceiving the public 
and provoking another illegal invasion.

The passage of time does not make a war of aggression and occupation any less 


There are key people involved in the 1954 Israeli terror bombings of the U.S. 
Information Agency libraries in Alexandria and Cairo who held high-level 
positions in the Israeli government of 2001.  There are other Israelis, with 
long histories of terrorism and strategic planning, who revealed having very 
specific prior knowledge of 9-11 long before 2001.

The highest Israeli intelligence official at the time of the Lavon Affair, Isser
Harel, was evidently aware of the long-term planning of 9-11 -- more than twenty
years before it happened.

In 1980, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel, the former 
director of Haganah intelligence, the Shin Bet (internal) and the Mossad 
(foreign) intelligence services, predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 
9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the 
Jabotinsky sort.

On September 23, 1980, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner 
with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to then prime minister Menachem 


In an editorial entitled "America the Target," published in The Jerusalem Post 
of September 30, 2001, Evans related what Harel had told him:

I sat with former Mossad chief Isser Harel for a conversation about Arab 
terrorism. As he handed me a cup of hot tea and a plate of cookies, I asked him,
"Do you think terrorism will come to America, and if so, where and why?"

Harel looked at his American visitor and replied, "I fear it will come to you in
America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The 
terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America - but all that 
could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents."

As to the where, Harel continued, "New York City is the symbol of freedom and 
capitalism. It's likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest
building [he mistakenly thought] and a symbol of your power."

In another article, entitled "Jimmy Carter:  Radical Islam's Ally," Evans 
related the same story about Harel:

My last question was would terrorism ever come to America. ³You have the power 
to fight it,² he said, ³but not the will. They have the will, but not the power.
All of that will change in time. Yes, I fear it will come to New York and your 
tallest building, which is a symbol of your fertility.²

In 2004, Evans published a book entitled The American Prophecies, Terrorism and 
Mid-East Conflict Reveal a Nation¹s Destiny.  In a subsequent interview, 
published under the title "Is America in Bible Prophecy?" with Deborah Caldwell,
Evans explains what Harel meant about fertility symbols:

Caldwell: So extrapolating from the scenarios of the Bible, what do you believe 
is our nation's future, based on prophecy?

Evans: The story of prophecy that has to do with the Jews goes all the way 
through to the end of the Book of Revelation. Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24. 
The disciples said, "What shall be the signs of the coming of the ends of the 
age?" And he said, "The first sign would be deception." Now, there's never been 
greater deception then what happened on September 11, 2001.

Caldwell: Why do you say that America's story is contained within biblical 

Evans: America stepped into the eye of a prophetic storm when it took covenant 
with both Ishmael and Isaac, the sons of Abraham, the Arab and the JewŠ

Most of the Bible talks about this battle between these two brothers, and we're 
right in the middle of that.

On Sept. 23, 1979, the founder of Israeli intelligence over dinner told me that 
America was developing a tolerance for terror. The gentleman's name was Isser 
Harel, the founder of Mossad Israeli intelligence -- he ran it from 1947 to 

He told me that America had developed an alliance between two countries, Israel 
and Saudi Arabia, and that the alliance with Saudi Arabia was dangerous and 
would develop a tolerance for terror among Americans. He said if the tolerance 
continued that Islamic fundamentalists would ultimately strike America.

I said "Where?"

He said, "In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your 
biggest phallic symbol is New York City and your tallest building will be the 
phallic symbol they will hit." Isser Harel prophesied that the tallest building 
in New York would be the first building hit by Islamic fundamentalists 21 years 

The "Is America in Bible Prophecy?" interview with Evans is published on-line on
Beliefnet, a Zionist propaganda network disguised as a religious website. Steven
Waldman is CEO, Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beliefnet. Previously, Waldman
was National Editor of US News & World Report, National Correspondent for 
Newsweek in the Washington bureau and editor of the Washington Monthly.  One of 
Beliefnet's directors is Michael S. Perlis, the former President of the Playboy 
Publishing Group.

Think about this for a minute. The founder of Israeli intelligence tells an 
American Zionist in 1980 that Arab terrorism will come to America and that the 
terrorists will strike the tallest building in New York City. His bizarre 
prediction, which makes no sense, then comes to pass 13 years later with a 
hapless and thoroughly fake attack in 1993, evidently arranged by the FBI.

The FBI-coordinated false-flag terror event is followed, 8 years later, by a 
spectacular, well-planned, and extremely lethal attack which kills thousands.  
How did Isser Harel know what the Arab terrorists had planned more than two 
decades before 9-11?


Under David Ben Gurion, Isser Harel was the former chief of Haganah intelligence
(Shai) from 1944, the Shin Bet from 1948, and the Mossad until 1963. Admoni, the
Mossad director who refused to warn the U.S. Marines in 1983, had served under 

Given his unique position and penchant for terrorism as a means of coercion, the
uncanny accuracy of Harel's prediction says more about the years of Israeli 
planning that went into 9-11 than it does about any criminal plots of alleged 
Arab origin.

After nearly two decades as the head of Israeli intelligence, Ben Gurion 
reportedly asked Harel to resign in 1963 because of his use of terrorism 
bombings as a means of coercion against the West.

Harel, as director of the Mossad, had initiated "The Damocles Operation" of the 
early 1960s, which was a terror bombing campaign to threaten German scientists 
from helping Egypt develop its defense systems.

Two Mossad agents were arrested and jailed in Switzerland for using terror bombs
against German scientists. The wife of one scientist was killed in a mysterious 
explosion, a second scientist disappeared, and the secretary of a third 
scientist was blinded and mutilated by a mail bomb in Cairo.

As Ian Black and Benny Morris, authors of Israel's Secret Wars: A History of 
Israel's Intelligence Services, wrote:

Dr. Heinz Krug, director of a Munich-based Egyptian front company called Intra, 
had disappeared mysteriously and was presumed murdered in September 1962.

On 7 October Harel [Isser Harel, Mossad head] left for Europe 'to personally 
supervise authorized operations and the special collection programme.'

In November, Aman [IDF intelligence] sent several letter bombs to the rocket 
installations in Egypt and one of them, a large parcel that had been mailed by 
sea from Hamburg, killed five Egyptians. Someone with a black sense of humour 
dubbed the campaign 'post mortem.'

It should be noted that Yosef Goell, a columnist with the Jerusalem Post, 
published an editorial entitled "Isser Harel and the German Scientists" on 
February 22, 1991, in which Israel's international newspaper delivered a threat 
of Harel-type terrorism to European scientists and companies doing business with
Arab nations:

The directors and managers of those firms and the experts who work for them 
should be reminded that they are playing with their lives and the welfare of 
their families. It would be well if they went back and studied the episode of 
Isser Harel and the German scientists in Nasser's missile program of the 1960s.


The Lavon Affair, or "the shameful affair" (Esek Habish) as it is known in 
Hebrew, was an Israeli false-flag terror bombing campaign against the United 
States and Britain that was carried out in Egypt in 1954.

Israeli military intelligence had set up a terror cell of sleeper agents in 
Egypt, which was activated in July 1954 to blow up U.S. and British targets.

The Israeli operation was code-named "Susannah." The false-flag terrorist 
bombings were meant to be blamed on Egyptians in order to alienate the U.S. and 
Britain from President Gamal Abdul Nasser and prevent Egypt from nationalizing 
the Suez Canal.

The Lavon Affair is seldom discussed in the media or in university courses on 
Middle Eastern history.  Strict censorship in the Israeli media even prevented 
the Israeli public from knowing about the affair for many years.

Only in 2005, fifty-one years after the bombings, did Israel finally admit 
responsibility for its 1954 false-flag terrorist bombing campaign in Egypt.

The false-flag terror bombings were carried out between July 2 and July 27, 1954
by a covert terror cell composed of about one dozen Egyptian Jews under the 
command of Israeli intelligence agents.

The Israeli-run terror cell was discovered and broken up on July 27, 1954, when 
one of its members was caught in Alexandria after the bomb he was carrying 

An Israeli terrorist cell, Unit 131, was reportedly responsible for the terror 
bombings.  At the time of the terror bombings, Unit 131 is said to have been the
subject of a dispute between Aman and Mossad over who controlled it.  How 

The Egyptian operatives had been recruited several years before, when an Israeli
intelligence officer named Avram Dar went to Cairo posing as John Darling, a 
British citizen from Gibraltar. Dar recruited Egyptian Jews, who had helped with
illegal emigration to Israel, and trained them for covert operations.

The Israeli terror cell went to work in the summer of 1954. On July 2, a post 
office in Alexandria was firebombed.  On July 14, the U.S. Information Agency 
libraries in Alexandria and Cairo and a British theater were bombed. The bombs 
contained nitroglycerine and were placed on the shelves of the libraries.

After the terrorist cell was discovered, three of the Israeli terrorist 
commanders succeeded in fleeing Egypt and the fourth committed suicide.  After 
the trial in Cairo, two of the accused Egyptian Jews were condemned to death and
executed, and eight were condemned to long terms of imprisonment.


The Israeli prime minister and foreign minister at the time, Moshe Sharett, was 
evidently unaware of the intrigue, which had apparently been carried out by 
disciples of David Ben Gurion, namely Isser Harel, Moshe Dayan, and Shimon 

Sharett (born Shertok in Cherson, Ukraine) was Israel's first foreign minister 
(May 15, 1948 ­ June 18, 1956) and second prime minister (Dec. 7, 1953 ­ Nov. 2,
1955). Sharett held both positions at the time of the Israeli terror campaign.

Sharett, who appears to have known nothing about the terror ring, only became 
informed of the facts afterwards.

In October 1953, shortly before Ben Gurion took a two-year hiatus in the Negev 
Desert leaving Sharett in charge, he appointed Pinhas Lavon, a staunch supporter
of the "retaliation" [i.e. terrorism] policy, as minister of defense, and 
nominated Moshe Dayan as chief of staff of the armed forces.

When Sharett was told of Ben Gurion's decision to nominate Dayan as chief of 
staff, he penned this note in his diary:  "The new chief of staff's immense 
capacity for plotting and intrigue-making will yield many complications."


Pinhas Lavon, Israel's minister of defense at the time of the terror bombings, 
was part of a group of military leaders who advocated the use of terrorism 
against the Western nations, particularly Britain and the United States.  This 
group included the Polish-born immigrants David Ben Gurion and Shimon Peres 
(Szymon Persky), and Moshe Dayan, the kibbutznik son of Ukrainian immigrants.

In January 1955, Sharett wrote about Lavon to Aharon Barkatt, secretary general 
of the Mapai party:

He [Lavon] inspired and cultivated the negative adventuristic trend in the army 
and preached the doctrine that not the Arab countries but the Western Powers are
the enemy, and the only way to deter them from their plots is through direct 
actions that will terrorize them.

When the Israeli terrorist plot against Britain and the U.S. was exposed, Ben 
Gurion blamed Lavon, who, in turn, blamed Col. Benjamin Givli, another Ben 
Gurion protégé and the head of Aman, Israeli military intelligence.  Lavon said 
that Givli had organized the covert operation behind his back.


Prime Minister Sharett, however, had "no doubts about the guilt of the 
Dayan-Peres-Givli clique," according to the late Israeli historian Livia Rokach,
the daughter of Israel Rokach, the former mayor of Tel Aviv and minister of 
internal affairs in the Sharett government:

For him [Sharett], the question of who gave the order was secondary to the 
necessity of pronouncing a judgment on the ideology and politics of Israel's 
terrorism. Therefore, while he had no doubts about the guilt of the 
Dayan-Peres-Givli clique; to him Lavon's political responsibility was also 

As Sharett wrote about Lavon on January 10, 1955:

[People] ask me if I am convinced that "he gave the order?"Š but let us assume 
that Givli has acted without instructionsŠ doesn't the moral responsibility lie 
all the same on Lavon, who has constantly preached for acts of madness and 
taught the army leadership the diabolic lesson of how to set the Middle East on 
fire, how to cause friction, cause bloody confrontations, sabotage targets and 
property of the Powers [and perform] acts of despair and suicide?"

As a "moderate Zionist," Sharett believed that Israel's survival would be 
impossible without the support of the West, Rokach wrote, but that Western 
"morality" and interests in the Middle East would not support a Jewish state 
which "behaves according to the laws of the jungle" and "raises terrorism to the
level of a sacred principle."


In May 1947, Ben Gurion drafted Shimon Peres into the Haganah high command, 
where he was initially put in charge of manpower and later became involved in 
arms procurement and production.

Peres served as chief of the naval department in 1948 and was sent to the United
States in 1950 on an arms procurement mission.

Peres was instrumental in acquiring weapons for the Haganah and establishing the
Israeli defense industries, especially the aircraft and avionics industries, 
according to his biography.  He is also known as the godfather of the Israel's 
hi-tech defense industries and illegal nuclear arsenal.

Peres built an alliance with France that secured a source of arms, and was 
responsible for the program to develop nuclear weapons for Israel, convincing 
the French to help Israel build a secret nuclear reactor at Dimona in the Negev 
Desert in 1957.

It was Peres who acquired the French advanced Dassault Mirage III jet fighters 
that the Israeli air force used to attack the USS Liberty in 1967.

About Shimon Peres, whom Sharett considered to be one of the key planners of the
terror bombing campaign of U.S. institutions in Egypt, he wrote this note in 

Peres shares the same ideology [as Lavon]: he wants to frighten the West into 
supporting Israel's aims.

Two years later, in 1957, Sharett wrote even more critically about Peres:

I have stated that I totally and utterly reject Peres and consider his rise to 
prominence a malignant, immoral disgrace. I will rend my clothes in mourning for
the State if I see him become a minister in the Israeli government.

Sharett's terrorism and violence-prone adversaries: Ben Gurion, Dayan, and 
Peres, however, prevailed and dealt "a crushing blow" to "the very hypothesis of
moderate Zionism," Rokach concluded:

In the final analysis the West, and in particular the U.S., let itself be 
frightened, or blackmailed, into supporting Israel's megalomaniac ambitions, 
because an objective relationship of complicity already existed and because once
pushed into the open this complicity proved capable of serving the cause of 
Western power politics in the region.

The immense profits that have flowed into the coffers of Western drug and oil 
cartels as a consequence of the Anglo-American control over the opium production
of occupied-Afghanistan and the oil of occupied-Iraq amply illustrate Rokach's 
point that Israeli false-flag terror is "capable of serving the cause of Western
power politics in the region."

As Rokach concluded in her study of Sharett's diary and documents:

Just as Zionism, based on the de-Palestinization and the Judaisation of 
Palestine, was intrinsically racist and immoral, thus the West, in reality, had 
no use for a Jewish state in the Middle East which did not behave according to 
the laws of the jungle, and whose terrorism could not be relied on as a major 
instrument for the oppression of the peoples of the region.

By April 1957, Sharett realized that the hard-line terrorist faction headed by 
Ben Gurion and his protégés Dayan and Peres had won ­ and that he, and his 
vision of moderate Zionism, had lost:

I go on repeating to myself nowadays, "Admit that you are the loser!" They 
showed much more daring and dynamismŠthey played with fire, and they wonŠThe 
public, even your own public, does not share your position. On the contraryŠthe 
public now turns even against its "masters" and its bitterness against the 
retreat [from Sinai and Gaza] is developing into a tendency to change the 
political balance in this country in favor of [the former Irgun terrorist leader
Menachem] Begin.

"His [Sharett's] defeat in internal Israeli politics reflected the ascendancy of
the positions of Ben Gurion, Dayan and others [Peres] who were not reluctant to 
use force to attain their goals," Noam Chomsky wrote in his forward to Rokach's 

His diaries give a very revealing picture of the developing conflict, as he 
perceived it, and offer an illuminating insight into the early history of the 
state of Israel, with ramifications that reach to the present, and beyond.

9-11 and the "War on Terror" are clearly two "ramifications" of the victory of 
the terrorist Zionists that "reach to the present."

Had Moshe Sharett, the Israeli prime minister, "spoken frankly and directly to 
public opinion" and torn up "the mask of secrecy" surrounding the Israeli terror
bombings, he could have changed the history of the Middle East, Rokach wrote:

At this point, Sharett could have changed the history of the Middle East had he 
spoken frankly and directly to public opinion, which was deeply troubled by the 
events in Egypt: the arrests, the trial, the executions, the contradicting 
rumors, the climate of intrigue surrounding the "Affair." [By] tearing up the 
mask of secrecy, denouncing those who were responsible, exposing his true 
convictions in regard to Israel's terroristic ideologies and orientations, [and]
proposing an alternative, he could have created for himself the conditions in 
which to use the formal powers that he possessed to make a radical housecleaning
in the security establishment. The impact of such an act would have probably 
been considerable not only in Israel itself but also in the Arab world, 
especially in Egypt. The downfall of Lavon on one hand and of the Ben Gurionist 
gang, headed by Dayan and Peres, on the other hand might have blocked Ben 
Gurion's return to power, and in the longer range, the Sinai-Suez war. Events 
since then would have taken a different course.

Unfortunately, "the Ben Gurionist gang, headed by Dayan and Peres" came to 
power.  Peres, who had served in high-level appointed positions, was elected to 
the Knesset in the 1959 elections.  Peres, the former Director General of the 
Ministry of Defense under Moshe Dayan, then became the Deputy Defense Minister, 
a position he held until 1965 when he was implicated, with Dayan, in the Lavon 

On June 5, 1967, Israel started the Six-Day War when it launched a pre-emptive 
attack against Egypt and its air force. Yitzhak Rabin was chief of staff and 
Moshe Dayan was minister of defense during this crucial war that reshaped the 
Middle East.

Ben Gurion and his gang of Dayan and Peres formed a new party in 1965, Rafi, 
partly due to their involvement in the Lavon Affair. Dayan and Peres had worked 
closely together since their days in the Haganah.


Shimon Peres, a most unsuitable recipient of the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize, has a 
long history of terrorism, which is evidently not well known in the West.  
Peres, the 84-year-old president of the State of Israel, has a documented record
of involvement in terrorist crimes over a period of more than 5 decades.

Peres is a survivor of the struggle among Zionists between the militant 
hard-liners, who promoted the use of violence and terrorism, versus the softer 
"moderates," who opposed terrorism and advocated the use of diplomacy.

Shimon Peres is a hard-liner.  Born Szymon Persky in Wiszniew, Poland, on August
2, 1923, Peres is the first cousin of Lauren Bacall, the Brooklyn-born Betty 
Joan Persky.  This relationship between the veteran hard-line Zionist and a 
Hollywood movie star is a good example of how Zionist Jewish families from the 
Pale of Settlement often established branches in Israel and the United States in
the early 1900s.

In 1947, the Polish-born Zionist leader David Ben Gurion (born David Grün) met 
the 23-year-old Peres at Haganah headquarters and made him responsible for 
manpower and arms purchases for the underground Zionist militia he commanded in 

Peres became a protégé of Ben Gurion. After the bombing of the King David Hotel 
and other terror killings by the Haganah and other Zionist terror gangs, the 
British withdrew from Palestine.

The armed gangs of Zionist immigrants and veterans of the Red Army then turned 
their terrorist skills, which some had gained during World War II, against the 
indigenous population of Palestine.  Nearly 400 Palestinian towns and villages 
were completely obliterated or "ethnically cleansed" during the 1947-48 Zionist 
conquest of Palestine.

Peres was also the chief of the Israeli navy, whose main task at the time was 
the illegal smuggling of men and arms for the Zionist forces in Palestine.

When the 1947-48 war ended, Peres "assumed the position of Director of the 
Defense Ministry's procurement delegation in the United States," according to 
his biography.

As director of arms procurement in the United States, Peres was responsible for 
organizing illegal arms smuggling.  Transfers of weapons and planes to Zionist 
forces violated the U.S. Neutrality Act.

Much of the Haganah arms smuggling activity was run from an office above the 
"syndicate-owned" Copacabana Club in New York City, where Peres and Teddy 
Kollek, the Hungarian-born son of the director of the Rothschild bank in Vienna,
worked closely with the "crime syndicate" headed by the leading Jewish gangsters
of the time.

After World War II, Kollek was sent to New York, where he worked as the Haganah 
representative and head of its weapons purchasing team in New York.  Kollek 
worked from an office above the Copacabana nightclub in the Haganah's Hotel 
Fourteen to arm the Zionist forces in British-occupied Palestine.

Also deeply involved in this criminal arms smuggling activities were the 
American Jews, Adolph "Al" Schwimmer and Hank Greenspun.  Greenspun, the Las 
Vegas-based publicist for mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, was eventually 
pardoned for his crimes by President Bill Clinton, a close friend of the 
Greenspun family.

In 1951, at the request of Ben Gurion, Schwimmer and Peres founded Bedek, the 
military's aviation firm that became Israel's largest company, Israel Aircraft 
Industries (IAI).

In 1952, the same year Ben Gurion made Isser Harel the head of the Mossad, he 
appointed Peres to be Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Defense.

The next year, at the age of 29, Peres became the youngest ever Director General
of the Defense Ministry, a position he held until 1959.  It is interesting to 
note that Peres never attended university or served in the army, according to 
Ha'aretz (Israel) of June 14, 2007.

As Director General, Peres was a founder of Israel's military and its 
subsidiary, Israel Aircraft Industries. Ben Gurion, Israel's first prime 
minister, put Peres in charge of the establishment of the Israel's unlawful 
nuclear program and secret reactor at Dimona in the Negev Desert.

Peres has never been very popular with Israeli voters.  Although he served twice
as prime minister, he was never elected to that position.  In 2000, he even lost
a parliamentary election for the presidency to Moshe Katsav, an Iranian Jewish 

In July 2007, at nearly 84 years of age, Peres finally won the presidency, but 
only after Katsav was forced to leave office under a storm of allegations of 
rape and sexual misconduct.

One might wonder why an 84-year-old man would even want to be president.  Is 
this an example of the maxim, "no rest for the wicked?"  Is Peres still working 
because he needs to protect the critical secrets about 9-11 and the war agenda 
it launched?

Oddly, prior to 9-11, Peres, a politician from the left, held the most powerful 
positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in a government led by a
prime minister from the extreme right, Ariel Sharon.  Sharon, now reportedly 
comatose, is a well known terrorist, war monger, and war criminal with a long 
record of committing atrocities in Palestine and Lebanon.  Peres held these 
highest level positions in the Israeli government from March 3, 2001 until 
November 2, 2002.

Peres, godfather and chief architect of Israel's high tech military and unlawful
nuclear arsenal, is a person who has always supported the use of terror to 
coerce the West to support Israel's strategic goals.  He has been involved, at 
the highest level, in numerous covert false-flag terrorist operations, such as 
the Lavon Affair, which was even kept secret from the Israeli prime minister at 
the time.

Did Peres use his senior position in a government of like-minded war mongering 
terrorists to launch the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 in order to coerce 
the United States and the West into the Zionist planned "War on Terror?"

Shimon Peres has the credentials of a Zionist arch-terrorist.  Furthermore, he 
has the record, the worldview, and the capability to be an architectural level 
planner of 9-11.  Is Peres one of the masterminds behind the terrorist crime of 
the century?  Were Isser Harel and Mordechai Hod also involved in the planning 
of 9-11?

To determine the identity of the architectural level planners of 9-11 we will 
need a better understanding of how the terrorist aerial attacks were carried out
during and within the context of U.S. and international military anti-terrorist 
exercises and drills that included the exact scenario of a passenger plane 
crashing into a military building near the Pentagon.

Copyright © Christopher Bollyn 2008
All Rights Reserved


ABC News, "The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?" June 22, 

Bennet, James, "A Day of Terror: The Israelis," The New York Times, September 
12, 2001

Crewdson, John, "Special Report: New revelations in attack on American spy 
ship," Chicago Tribune, October 2, 2007,0,1050179.story

Evans, Michael D., "Is America in Bible Prophecy?" Deborah Caldwell interview 
with Michael D. Evans, August 2004

Joffe, Lawrence, Obituary: "Mordechai Hod: Israeli air force mastermind behind 
the six day war," The Guardian (London, England), July 2, 2003

Melman, Yossi, "Israeli communications said to prove IAF knew Liberty was U.S. 
ship," Haaretz, October 4, 2007

Ostrovsky, Victor, and Hoy, Claire, By War of Deception: The making and unmaking
of a Mossad Officer, St. Martin's Press, 1990

Perliger, Arie and Weinberg, Leonard, "Jewish Self Defense and Terrorist Groups 
Prior to the Establishment of the State of Israel: Roots and Traditions," 
Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2003) pp. 91-118.

Prince-Gibson, Eetta, "Reflective truth," The Jerusalem Post (Israel), July 27, 

Rokach, Livia, Israel's Sacred Terrorism, 1980

Sachar, Howard M., A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to Our Time 
History of Israel, New York: Knopf, 1976 (3rd Edition, 2007)

Smyth, David, Associated Press, "Americans Rebut Israeli Version of 1967 Attack 
on U.S. Ship," Lexington Herald-Leader (KY), October 29, 1984

Suroor, Hasan, "Celebrating Terror, Israeli-style," The Hindu (Madras, India), 
July 24, 2006

Christopher Bollyn is an independent researcher and journalist working on a book
entitled Solving 9-11.

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