9/11 Transcripts released


Richard Moore

to be viewed with suspicion. 

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Government Releases Detailed
Information on 9/11 Crashes
Complete Air-Ground Transcripts of Hijacked
9/11 Flight Recordings Declassified
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 196
Edited by Barbara Elias
For more information contact:
Barbara Elias - 202/994-7000
Posted - August 11, 2006

Washington, DC - August 11, 2006 - The National Transportation Safety Board 
(NTSB) this week released full transcripts of the air traffic control recordings
from the four flights hijacked on September 11, 2001, and meticulous Flight Path
Studies for three of the flights, in response to a Freedom of Information 
request by the National Security Archive. The studies provide the most detailed 
technical information available to date related to the hijackings, and the 
transcripts of the aircraft-to-ground communications are the first complete 
government disclosure of each flight's air traffic control recordings.

The documents are cited extensively in the 9/11 Commission Report to establish 
key facts and basic timelines for each hijacked flight. The NTSB Web site 
references the documents but does not provide copies, claiming "the terrorist 
attacks of September 11, 2001 are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau 
of Investigation. The Safety Board provided requested technical assistance to 
the FBI, and any material generated by the NTSB is under the control of the FBI.
The Safety Board does not plan to issue a report or open a public docket." The 
documents were released in their entirety to the National Security Archive and 
were received directly from the NTSB.

The transcripts provide additional details to the information summarized in the 
9/11 Commission Report. For example, the NTSB transcript differs slightly from 
the Commission's text of the warning that United Airlines Flight 93 received 
only minutes before the hijackers attacked. At 9:23am, the Aircraft 
Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) shows a text message to 
HIT TRADE CNTER BUILDS [sic]." Five minutes later at 9:28am Flight 93 was 
sending the message "***(mayday)*** (hey get out of here) ***" as it was being 

The Flight Path Studies reconstruct the routes of American Airlines Flight 11, 
American Airlines Flight 77 and United Airlines Flight 175. Complied from 
recorded radar data and information from the Flight Data Recorders, the studies'
illustrations of radar ground tracks, maps and altitude profiles provide graphic
guides to each hijacking and were used by the NTSB to determine the takeover 
points where the hijackers gained control of the planes.

In addition to the Flight Path Studies and Air Traffic Control Recording 
transcripts, the NTSB released a February 2002 "Specialist's Factual Report of 
Investigation" on United Airlines Flight 93 based on the flight's recovered 
digital data recorder -- the only surviving recorder from the hijacked planes on
9/11. The report provides graphic analysis of the data recovered from Flight 93 
and its subsequent crash in Shanksville, PA. According to the report, the flight
recorder functioned normally.

Note: The following documents are in PDF format.

You will need to download and install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Document 1: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 11," Feb. 
19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." 
Footnotes 23, 33]

Document 2: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-American Airlines Flight 77," Feb. 
19, 2002 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote

Document 3: NTSB report, "Flight Path Study-United Airlines 175," Feb. 19, 2002 
[Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnote 41]

Document 4: NTSB report, "Specialist's Factual Report of Investigation-Digital 
Flight Data Recorder" for United Airlines Flight 93, Feb. 15, 2002 [Chapter 1, 
The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes." Footnotes 70, 71]

Document 5: NTSB report, Air Traffic Control Recording-American Airlines Flight 
11, Dec. 21, 2001 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes."
Footnote 24]

Document 6: NTSB report, Air Traffic Control Recording-American Airlines Flight 
77, Dec. 21, 2001 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes."
Footnote 54]

Document 7: NTSB report, Air Traffic Control Recording-United Airlines Flight 
175, Dec. 21, 2001 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some 
Planes." Footnotes 24, 41, 42, 44]

Document 8: NTSB report, Air Traffic Control Recording-United Airlines Flight 
93, Dec. 21, 2001 [Chapter 1, The 9/11 Commission Report, "We Have Some Planes."
Footnote 71]

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