9/11: Griffin to Give Explosive Presentation in New York


Richard Moore

From: Kevin Barrett 
Subject: 9/11 Truth Icon David Griffin to Give Explosive 
               Presentation in New York 10/15/05

9/11 Truth Icon David Griffin to Give Explosive Presentation in New York

The tentative title of Dr. Griffin's  presentation is "9/11
and the Destruction of the WTC: The Awful Truth." Dr.
Griffin's talk will be held at the Anthology Film Forum, 23
2nd Avenue, NYC, 1-3 PM, Saturday, October 15. The talk is
expected to generate intense interest, coming as it does on
the heels of the forced "resignation" of NYFD Chaplain Intikab
Habib for questioning the official story of 9/11.

Griffin, a noted Christian theologian,  will add a new wrinkle
to his razor-sharp deconstruction of the official story of
9/11 in his New York talk on October 15th. The author of 25
books including The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions
about the Bush Administration and 9/11, and The 9/11
Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, Dr. Griffin will
be speaking about the recently-released archives of police,
firefighter and citizen responses on 9/11/2001. According to
Dr. Griffin and others, those archives strengthen the
already-formidable case that the Twin Towers and WTC Building
7 were destroyed in controlled demolitions with explosives.

Dr. Griffin's presentation comes on the heels of the forced
resignation of NY Fire Department Chaplain Intikab Habib for
questioning the official story of 9/11. Ironically, Imam
Habib's statement was mild compared to that of the Bush
Administration's own former top economist in the Department of
Labor, Morgan Reynolds, who has all but accused his former
employers in the Bush Administration of blowing up the World
Trade Center and murdering almost 3000 Americans in what, if
true, would be the worst act of treason in US history. Dr.
Reynolds' statement may be read at:

Many in New York and across the world are coming to the
defense of Imam Habib, who was forced out for voicing an
opinion held by half the citizens of New York City (Zogby
8/2004), two-thirds of Canadians (Toronto Star, May 2004), and
roughly 90% of Arabs and Muslims (10/03: 89% of al-Jazeera
viewers say the US government, not "al-Qaeda" staged the 9/11
attacks). For more information on the increasing numbers of
prominent Jews, Christians and Muslims who are questioning the
official story of 9/11, see http://mujca.com

Imam's peers sympathize

Some local Muslims say chaplain had right to share 9/11
opinion, but should have been careful not to offend

STAFF WRITER; Staff writer Joshua Robin contributed to this

October 3, 2005

Though Imam Intikab Habib expressed anguish and regret for
comments he made about 9/11 that resulted in his stepping down
Friday before being sworn in as chaplain of the Fire
Department, some members of the local Muslim community reacted
with slightly less dismal emotions.

"Fifty years from now, we will think this is all a step
forward," said Dr. Abdul Jamil Khan, of Muttontown.

The semi-retired chairman of pediatrics at Brooklyn's
Interfaith Medical Center said Habib should have been more
diplomatic. "He is backing off because he made a boo-boo,"
Khan said. "You can make many theories, but as a person who
was going to be sworn into that sensitive position, he should
have been very careful not to hurt others' feelings."

Habib, 30, a Guyana native who teaches junior high students in
Ozone Park, was in line to be the second Muslim chaplain in
fire department history. He studied Islam in Saudi Arabia and
immigrated to New York in July 2000.

In a Thursday interview with Newsday, Habib stated doubts
about who was responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks,
saying conflicting reports left him wondering if it was 19
hijackers or some larger conspiracy that brought the towers

On Friday, after his views appeared in the newspaper, he
stepped down a few hours before he was to be installed as
chaplain. Habib and fire department officials agreed it was
the right thing to do, as did some in the Muslim community.

"I think the resolution was appropriate," said Ibrahim Hooper,
spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a
Washington, D.C.-based Islamic civil rights group. "People are
people and they sometimes say things they shouldn't," he said,
citing famous foot-in-mouth examples such as William Bennett
and Pat Robertson.

Habib's comments, unseemly as they may have been to some,
should not be completely dismissed, said Ghazi Khankan, an
Islamic affairs consultant from Westbury. "What happened to
freedom of speech?" said Khankan, adding that Habib's comments
should not have rendered him jobless. "If he has a political
opinion, it should not effect his work or his position. Before
we condemn, we must investigate ... question the Imam further
as to why does he believe this to be so."

Khankan said there are many other people, in the Middle East
and in America, who question the conclusions of 9/11.

"I hope this will create a movement to call for further
investigation into the tragedy of 9/11 ... people can fume,"
Khankan said, "but opinions are good because they can bring
solutions if they are aired and discussed."

Staff writer Joshua Robin contributed to this story. 

William Rodriguez 
Hispanic Victims Group 
www.reopen911.org <http://www.reopen911.org> 


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